Funniest Moment

by BeastieRunner

15 years, 7 months ago

What moment in the game had you rolling the hardest?

For me it was the beginning of the Central Park Cemetery when the Rookie accidentally shot the tree causing it to fall

That one. Second place goes to Egon telling Ray to shut up on the boat. Egon was my favorite this go around because of all his great lines.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 7 months ago

When Stay Puft is rampaging through Times Square and the rookie and Ray have to escape. I don't know the exact lines off the top of my head but Ray askes Peter for help then said:
“Venkman I need you to distract him…Venkman are you getting coffee?…Venkman's getting coffee!”
The way Ray says that last line kills me. In such utter disbelief that Peter was getting coffee at a time like that.

I liked the follow up to that as well

“You didn't spill your coffee did yah Peter?”

“Ray, I was getting coffee for EVRYBODY, but those little marshmallow critters spilled them”

or something to that degree