G4 Ghostbusters Game Demo (Details and Video)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler
And James, I wouldn't be too worried about this game eating up too much of your time. It looks like it's going to be a very short game, assuming you're only in it for the story mode.

What makes you say that? The game script was 480 pages long, and with all the different settings we've seen, it definitely appears like it will take quite some time to complete, at least in my opinion.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 4 months ago

Well, maybe I exaggerated a little, but consider this:

In a movie, usually one page from a script will translate to one minute of screen time. So we're looking at approximately 8 hours of cut scenes/dialog. Not bad. I can't speak for par time during the actual gameplay, though. It all depends on the player. My prediction is that the game will eat up roughly 20 hours of your time. Also, some lines were probably written for incidental occasions, because they mentioned that the Ghostbusters will comment and react to your actions in specific ways. That means you won't have a chance to hear everything the Ghostbusters have to say, since it all depends on what you do in the game. Now that I think about it, that should add some good replay value.

Some games are never-ending, and others have stories that spread out for 80+ hours. I think most Ghostheads are pretty experienced gamers. 20 hours will be a drop in the bucket. If this game is all you do in your spare time, then you'll have the story mode wrapped up in two or three days.

The multiplayer should keep you busy, though. There will be plentiful competition available during the first month after its release.

by Only_Zuul

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler
It sounds like Ernie to me, and if there are any clips featuring the actor's voices, I don't want to hear them. This is the last time they'll be acting as the Ghostbusters.
Oh adam adam adam, they be in the world of video game's now, and the first rule of video game's 1: There is ALLWAYS room for a sequel. Also I cant remeber where I heard it so dont hold your breath, but I remeber somthing about someone in a interview saying that if it sell's well, expect a series of game's.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler
It sounds like Ernie to me, and if there are any clips featuring the actor's voices, I don't want to hear them. This is the last time they'll be acting as the Ghostbusters.
Oh adam adam adam, they be in the world of video game's now, and the first rule of video game's 1: There is ALLWAYS room for a sequel. Also I cant remeber where I heard it so dont hold your breath, but I remeber somthing about someone in a interview saying that if it sell's well, expect a series of game's.

Let's find out what Bill Murray has to say about that.

by Only_Zuul

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler
Let's find out what Bill Murray has to say about that.
Well before he didnt even want to be seen, not only dose he have a ingame model, but he is also seen as live action in the trailer. So who know's (also I think he was worried about this killing the franchise, so if it's good, which it should be its in good hands, then maybe he will come around to the idea of the ghostbusters coming back.

by RoyKarrde

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler
It sounds like Ernie to me, and if there are any clips featuring the actor's voices, I don't want to hear them. This is the last time they'll be acting as the Ghostbusters.
Oh adam adam adam, they be in the world of video game's now, and the first rule of video game's 1: There is ALLWAYS room for a sequel. Also I cant remeber where I heard it so dont hold your breath, but I remeber somthing about someone in a interview saying that if it sell's well, expect a series of game's.

I believe it was Dan that said there was room for a whole series of games. And really with a very large paycheck from Sierra, and the ability to record all your lines in 2 or 3 days, I doubt Bill Murry would have a problem with it.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 4 months ago

Mucho prendido!!!

Excellent footage and trailer we got this last hours… I just love the way the things are going… I can´t wait for october!!

amazing. simply amazing.
1) will all this footage, i've only seen murray's in game model once

There is something to this. I assume it might have to do with him being a bit late to the party? Maybe something in his contract?
I hope the rookie we will play is not a Dr. Venkman sustitute… remember in GB2 when the guys are in search for slime at the sewers? and Venkman didn´t want to go?? I have the bad feeling we´ll be his replacement.

by robbritton

16 years, 4 months ago

He's in the background when Ray is shooting at the camera (Proton Charging has an image file here: http://www.protoncharging.com/ghostbusters/images/E3_Ghostbusters/snapshot20080714181601.jpg)

They've got his rolled down uniform trousers right!

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler
And James, I wouldn't be too worried about this game eating up too much of your time. It looks like it's going to be a very short game, assuming you're only in it for the story mode.

Very True, but games like this I like to play a second time and do whatever I want…as the trailer said…“Destroy the World”

by justinmarkus

16 years, 4 months ago

i can see how they would need an extra ghostbuster around to make up for whenever Peter doesnt want to go like in the scene in GB2 that ghostbuster213 pointed out but i dont think a replacement is what the new recruit is. just someone to fill in the occasional gap.

plus in g4's preview Ryan French said that Bill's VO was the last to come in so maybe they just haven't completely added him to the game. who knows maybe he will be added to the library level. it wouldnt be the first time the final product was different from the initial demo.