Galoob Plush Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man (1984) on auction

by fomeboy

20 years ago

But I just put up for auction on Ebay my 1984 Galoob plush Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.

You can take a look at it here: Item #5947279665 (^_^)

Willing to answer any questions.

Dude when are you going to relist the Stay Puft plush? :p
I e-mailed you on January 9 about it but still no reply.

by PromoGuy

20 years ago

Sorry my man.

I have been in the process of selling and buying a home, and have had little time for the net.

I need to wrap up the transaction on the GB video store display with a fellow member here, then I will get with you on relisting the plushie.

There was also the matter of the Pee-Wee Herman doll with someone here too.

Ugh, I am so behind. Please be patient.

by fomeboy

20 years ago

All right!
Thanks for the reply.