game to hit stores in '09

by justinmarkus

16 years, 3 months ago

… i'm literally gonna' kill myself -_-
im an impatient man!

we better still get that demo in september or im takin' people with me!

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 3 months ago

They haven't officially said if it is going to delayed or not…just that they are re-evaluating the marketing potential of releasing it to coincide with the 25th anniversary. So there is still hope..though it becomes slimmer and slimmer as the weeks progress it seems…

by Lord_Kane

16 years, 3 months ago


… i'm literally gonna' kill myself -_-
im an impatient man!

we better still get that demo in september or im takin' people with me!

why the frak then does the activision website now list it as oct 31st 2008 and not 2009, its only moved up ten days.

shit man, what the hell is going on?

by justinmarkus

16 years, 3 months ago

ill tell you exactly whats going on.

activision decides that instead of putting money into a franchise that they know if the fans of the game arent happy then they will have less of an opportunity for more games. but with ice age and spyro it has been proven that even if the game sucks balls kids will still get it because of its title. so they can dump less money into making a crap game and make more off of it.

then sony comes along as decides lets make some money too. if we release the game they will go out and buy it, then if we release the blue-ray people will go and get that but some who buy the game wont buy the blue-ray because its being released on the movie's anniversary which only true fans care about but if we release the game along with the blue-ray then when people go out to buy one they will impulse buy the other thus making them more money. and get ghostbusters as a whole back in the eyes of the public

by Ectofiend

16 years, 3 months ago

*Good theory - One loophole though - SONY was banking on making money out the ying-yang since day one…Regardless of when it debuted…That is the only reason any of this new stuff exists…

*They just seem to be possibly taking advantage of a shitty situation…


by Lord_Kane

16 years, 3 months ago

delaying the frakking game hurts it, yeah sure more time to develop it, but what we see so far, is already 3 years of work, so what the hell?

i dont want to wait for another fraking year to get the game, if sony does do this, they can go frak themselves, seriously, its not funny, do a special anniversary verison of the blu ray set with a ps3 version of the game then, dont makes us fraking wait a year.

frak, you dont see game movies, delaying games so they can release at the same time, the doom movie didnt delay doom 3, or the halo movie didnt delay halo 3, I hope this is just some idiot at sony firing his mouth off at the wrong people or variety and kotaku have really fraked up.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 3 months ago

BSG fan are we Kane?

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

I'm feeling better now that I got my wild speculation and screaming bloody murder out of my system on Proton Charging's post comment section.

All I can say is, try avoid the wild speculation. So far it's only one source reporting the delay, and a whole load more parroting what it said.

Whilst it seems Variety is usually pretty good, I won't be assuming anything until either a second source confirms it or if we hear something from Sony/Sierra/Activision etc.

However, if anyone happens to have Ryan French's email, it might be worth emailing him to get the low down.

Until we see something official, as far as I'm concerned the game is still set to release this October.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 3 months ago

hear hear Kingpin.

by robbritton

16 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I think that's sensible. The lack of a definitive official word may be maddening, but we don't know how many meetings these chaps are going through to achieve anything at all.

My heart is kind of in my mouth, because this had been the big ‘look forward to’ this year, but until anyone official gives an ‘on the record’ statement, i'll take it as read that October is still happening.