game to hit stores in '09

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 3 months ago

My heart is kind of in my mouth, because this had been the big ‘look forward to’ this year, but until anyone official gives an ‘on the record’ statement, i'll take it as read that October is still happening.

I know the feeling. I was really looking forward to that game…more so than many other games that were to be coming out at the same time.

For you business savvy people out there…I remember Castewar making mention in the comments section of his own post about this story on Proton Charging, that:

even if there’s a company ready, right this second, to pick it up, the paperwork will take months to finalize.

Whats the possibility of a new publisher already having been found and the finalization paperwork is already in the process of being…well…eerr…finalized in order for the game to be released on time this yr?

by boholbrook1

16 years, 3 months ago

Fuck Sony. Bootleg your RGB DVD's. That is all.

by Buckynohair

16 years, 3 months ago

The main word in sonys quote is “potentially” “potentially release the game to coincide with the 25th anniversary”

Tbh, I can't see them pushing it back that far. At the latest i can see a November release date.

Though a brick did just drop from my nether region.

by JasonLudy

16 years, 3 months ago

I think it's safe to say that Sony (and all big business corporations for that matter) don't really give a rat's ass about fans' best interests. All they care about is the $ in our wallets. They know we'll buy the game, whether it's released this year or next. If they really DO wait til next year, I guess they're trying to bank on the casual or non-fans sense of nostalgia that would be generated by the whole “anniversary” hype. I, as most of us I'm sure, shit my pants when I heard about this game and saw that early footage back in Oct 07. I mean, to make us wait 2 years would be a slap in the face.

But…*sigh* as long as it's still coming out, which it is, we can rest easy to some degree. Uhg! We need some good news!! :@

by robbritton

16 years, 3 months ago

Jason Ludy
I think it's safe to say that Sony (and all big business corporations for that matter) don't really give a rat's ass about fans' best interests.:@

Why should that be surprising, though? Hardcore fans are a niche market and ALL businesses are motivated by profit. If you're in the entertainment industry you market to the widest audience, not the most specialised.

Not that I think that's a good thing, but i can see it being the sensible (read ‘greedy’) thing.

by justinmarkus

16 years, 3 months ago

… we definitely could. anyone else get the feeling we are gonna' be let down some more before the end of the year?

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

… we definitely could. anyone else get the feeling we are gonna' be let down some more before the end of the year?

It's certainly a mindset that isn't unjustified:

Ghostbusters II DVD.
The 88MPH Ghostbusters comic series.
The Ibooks series.
The NECA figures.
The Collector's DVD set from 2005.

And even the convention didn't finish without a little bit of disappointment, the Ecto-1 supposedly broke down en route to the convention and the panel with Dan and Ernie was cancelled as Dan wasn't able to attend.

by Sp9543

16 years, 3 months ago

If the game were to be delayed until the 25th anniversary we are talking about delaying the game 10 months from now and approximately 7 months from its original release date. That's outrageous.

A lot of people have been saying that the hardcore fans are a niche market and that Sony is waiting to release the game so that the casual fan will pick it up. I don't think that is true because ultimately this is a video game. The same amount of gamers are going to pick up this title regardless of its release date, and couldn't care less if it coincided with an anniversary or not. Likewise, the door swings both ways, I doubt that that there is a significant amount of people that are going to by the game just because of nostalgia and the film's anniversary (Enough to warrant a year delay anyways). If you think about it, many former fans are going to miss out on the story line because they don't play games whilst the video game will garner a younger fan-base because little kids play anything.

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 3 months ago

The casual fans? I mean all those that remember the GB movies, they say “Hey, ghostbusters”. I have told some at work and they recognize the game and would play it, so if Sony thinks they need to wait they are wrong. I think they underestimate the casual fan and many recognize GB and will pick it up, especially if they market it around Halloween, which if I was them, I would release at the BEGINNING of October when the nation is is “spook” mode. People just are all about scares, Halloween, ghosts, and a GB game would be popular and played by many more casual fans in the month of October. Then they would see a bigger profit more quickly.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 3 months ago

ya know, ive about fucking had it with sony and activision at this point! i really have! THERE IS NO REASON WHAT SO EVER, TO DELAY THE GAME AT ALL. THE GAME IS PRACTLEY DONE, PUT IT ON SHELEVES IN OCTOBER!

Honestly, delay it so it comes out at the 25th anaversery? HORSE SHIT! Is sony doing some super grand special event for the 25th? Are they anouncing a live action ghostbusters 3? a remake? (they better not) or doing a star wars type deal and launching special editions of the films in theaters with upgreaded special effects and deleted scenes added back in?

Inless they are doing that, i see no reason what so ever, to delay the game at all, simply because of a marketing campain!