GameCube: Are you getting it?

by Specter

23 years, 4 months ago

Dan Elektro:

Take it up with Magazines like: NextGen (Some of your responses come from comments in their mag, 11/01, pg 82) and Electronic Gaming Monthly. That's where my sources lie. Besides that, I read IGN,, and many other fansites and mags. I've done my research.

I find that I trust NextGen a bit. Although, no mag is perfect, I agree with them the most.

by the way, you work for GamePro?

“So…if the games are new on Xbox they're bad, and if they're sequels on Xbox they're bad. Thanks, I see where you stand now”

And thanks for assuming. I never said that “Sequels are bad.” The comment, in context, is that Those sequels are available elsewhere, and where they are, there are many other games that are fantastic.

I stand by my comments. As for running Windows or not? I heard Windows 2000. What does it run then?

Also, I am not a “Fanboy.” I'm just excited that there is a new Smash game although, I cannot purchase the GameCube until I get out of debt. I gathered up my sources and decided on Nintendo when early specs came out.

by b_a_55

23 years, 4 months ago

Me myself I am old school I only buy systems that have GB games, or FF games

by DanElektro

23 years, 4 months ago

“Take it up with Magazines like: NextGen (Some of your responses come from comments in their mag, 11/01, pg 82) and Electronic Gaming Monthly. That's where my sources lie.”

So…you're just repeating what you've read and taken it as fact? I'm not filled with confidence.

Obvoiously I've spoken to different developers because I'm not hearing half the static you've dug up in print and online. And Windows 2000? Maybe its core routine is a 32-bit operating system, since the machine is built around a PIII chip. But that's definitely NOT the same thing as “running Windows” (or even “being essentially a PC,” as someone else suggested). There are no Windows logos anywhere on the box or in the interface–if it were Windows, MS would likely be boasting about it. And even if it is a modified W2K kernel, I can't think of a more stable OS to base a system on. (Though the fine folks at Toys R Us may disagree this week!) W98, yeah, I'd be joining you in complaining. But the Xbox runs…a custom Xbox OS, as far as I know. I will fire it up and see what I can find, plus I will contact my MS rep.

But the stuff about no killer apps…that's all opinions that you conveniently pawned off as fact (how many of those games have you played to back up the statement?), and things that happen to every console, like beta crashes, you're presenting as if they are unique to the Xbox. That's neither fair nor accurate. ALL systems have their weaknesses, Xbox included–but the Xbox is being unfairly and intentionally singled out for some of the most common and generic ones. Any magazine or fansite that suggests that is misrepresenting the true facts and is delivering irresponsible journalism.

THAT'S what pushed my buttons–the “let's get them because they're Micro$oft” attitude that pervades the game community lately. Besides, who brought up Xbox? This was a pro-GameCube topic–but you chose to post a whole boatload of anti-Xbox stuff unprovoked. It looks…suspicious.

I am entirely sick of people making up their minds based on hearsay and rumor and supposition, when the only thing that really will convince a person is experience. And people have made up their minds that some machines are awesome and other machines are dreadful with absolutely NO experience.

“Those sequels are available elsewhere, and where they are, there are many other games that are fantastic.”

…or you could get an Xbox and get exclusive fantastic games, too. (I'm begging you, don't underestimate DOA3 or Halo. They're stunners, and not just graphically.) The arguement cuts both ways, both proving and disproving your own point–it's like, then, what's the point of buying a GameCube if I can get them on Xbox? It's also a good base platform for “forget them both and go with PS2.” smile

Regardless, I apologize for freaking out on you like I did. It's been a long hype-, rumor-, and hate-filled summer for gamers, most of whom are bringing their own biases to the table and coloring the facts accordingly. I could defend GameCube just as vehemently if people started targeting it in a similar manner, and I can list several things that the GC has in its favor over Xbox.

I'm not sure what the part is about my responses “coming from their magazine” is, though. When I post, for better or worse, the words are my own. Did I just misunderstand your comment?

by Specter

23 years, 4 months ago

Apology Accepted, and thanks for taking the time to explain. My Xbox comments were based on the post just before it. I just decided to sum up my arguments, but I took the wrong approach. My mistake. That was the first time I took an approach that crossed into a flame, and the exact quote from the mag is this:
Current Software Library (NextGen, 11/01, pg. 82)
“While we've been somewhat pessimistic about the launch lineup for the last few months, now that we've actually had a chance to play most of the games - however briefly - we are pleasently surprised to find that most are, at the very least, solid and enjoyable. There are certainly a fair number of different titles available within the first month or so, and Microsoft has done a good job in covering all genres and basically delivering something for everyone. The main problem is that, besides DOA3 and possibly Halo, there's still a notable lack of any single killer app, and few franchise entries that would really make anyone look twice. Many Xbox games are available on other platforms - hardly a compelling reason to take a chance on this newcomer - and the exclusive titles are primarily original games that lack a proven track record to attract gamers.”

That is the exact quote.

There is one server I can think of that is more stable, Novell. But that's not an OS. Linux is though.
Now, I need some rest before VB class tomorrow.

by DanElektro

23 years, 4 months ago

Given your field of expertise, I think you could probably think of several more stable OSes, yeah…sorry for that assumption too.

by Specter

23 years, 4 months ago

Which assumption?


but anyways, yeah, I probably can. I go to ITT Tech for a degree in the IT field.

My main area with be Multimedia. I already know webdesign quite well, as per my website background.

I'm also a filmmaker. My friends and I are in the middle of a project right now, as a matter of fact.

Besides that, my research was biased on the fact that, I simply like the games coming for GameCube. Super Smash Brothers is a past time, and Nintendo is what I have played since the NES, and before that, the ATARI 2800. If I had the same access that you do, to play the games months before release, I might have a different outlook. But since I don't, and have limited income, my research included almost anything I could find. I read about Halo in PC Gamer a while back, and am frustrated with the tactics that Microsoft is using, buying games outright that were announced as PC games and making them xbox exclusives. But no company is without it's share of faults. The Nintendo-Squaresoft argument, that even pulled Enix away from Nintendo, was based on Square's arrogance, and the ripples of that won't be dying down anytime soon. As for what's going to happen next, who really knows?

but, I'd like to hear your Nintendo defense.

by Slimee

23 years, 4 months ago

ok everyone listen up! gamecube has its advantages over Xbox!
and Xbox has its advantages over Gamecube. there now no one can argue over what is better. they each are unique in their own special little way smile

by Specter

23 years, 4 months ago

Dan Elektro (Bunny Ears) - Are we cool? Shall we put this to an end? smile

by DanElektro

23 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, we're cool–thanks for accepting my apology. Sorry, I didn't get a chance to log on until now.

The Case For GameCube:

1) That controller rocks ass. It's the most intuitive thing I think I've ever held. Just fits in the hand, perfectly balanced, excellent button response, and unlike Xbox and PS/PS2, you know where your fingers are at all times simply by tactile feedback. Built-in rumble and no memory card hassles give it an efficient design. With so many games coming out on all platforms and all the machines being able to generate similar graphics (all three versions of SSX Tricky share the same core code!), I really think that ergonomics is what will help one company edge ahead. If you don't like the controller, you're not going to want to experience the games with it. That's my theory anyway.

2) Price. I don't blame Nintendo for not doing DVD and as a consumer who already has a DVD player, I'm happy to know that I'm saving $100 by not buying stuff I don't need. I think the explanation about “but it's a game machine” is perfectly valid for why it's not DVD-capable. It's a luxury, it's a convenience, but ya just don't need it to make good games. The custom discs will have plenty of space for good games.

3) You can't beat the brand. Nintendo is to video games as Kleenex is to facial tissue. It's a known quantity and the company has the best rep for quality software. Everything I've seen looks good.

4) Miyamoto, Miyamoto, Miyamoto. I know the other consoles have their resident geniuses, but some of those guys (Neversoft, Mikama) are coming to GameCube too…and even when Miyamoto is at his weirdest, it's always fresh and creative and surprising. Thank god he's got free creative reign at Nintendo. Sure, one man can't make all the software, but you have a pretty good sense that one man will at least make interesting software for Nintendo.

5) GBA interaction. We don't know too much about this yet, and what little I know I can't talk about just now (which is unusual). We'll have something in the January issue that looks at one application, plus in Japan they already showed a cool Kirby Tilt ‘n Tumble 2 trick with the GBA plugged in as the controller. But no other machine has the install base of the Game Boy, and many of the GB users are upgrading to GBA. Knowing that the GBA you already own can play nice with the GC sure does want to make you brand loyal. (Oh, and RIP to the Neo Geo Pocket Color/Sega Dreamcast crossover, which was a cool first step but not nearly as closely integrated as this.) This isn’t a major selling point, but it is unique to the GC.

I will conveniently leave out things like an unknown online plan (THPS3 will ship this year, but not with online play like PS2 will), the “kiddie image” backlash (which really, honestly, does not matter to me at all…it's just people needing something to complain about and findig it), the bizarre handle, and the lack of debug units for the press to review software and therefore get psyched about. smile

by Specter

23 years, 4 months ago

That was fantastic! Thanks!

As for the handle, look at it like this:

(I recently heard the handle wasn't built for long distances, nothing a little Duct Tape couldn't handle)

The GameCube, while small, looks like it is even on all sides. Now, lets say it's six inches on each edge, for argument sake. The average person would not be able to carry that in one hand. Two hands would be needed, but wait, they add a handle. Now you CAN carry it in one hand, freeing up the other hand for games.

Now, how often will you be moving the console? Not very much, but SOME people may move consoles more than others. Either way, it sure does help.