GameCube: Are you getting it?

by DanElektro

23 years, 4 months ago

The handle doesn't really bother me. I mean, all jokes about it looking like a purse aside, it's just a piece of plastic. It doesn't really matter to me. But some people seem oddly passionate about hating it.

by Spike

23 years, 3 months ago

I live for Resident Evil, which makes GameCube my god.

by DanElektro

23 years, 3 months ago

Thought you might like to know that Nintendo is now shipping US final systems to the press…we got a boxed one with boxed final software this week. VERY unusual to get one this early…but there you have it, they're well into production.

What we DON'T have is a way to review or preview non-final games…we have no debug unit and Nintendo has not given us a straight answer as to when we might expect one. Hmm.

In any case, it looks like the retail launch supply will be there and ready for everybody!

by GBTaiMaiShu

23 years, 3 months ago

I want Rogue Leader

by Woym

23 years, 3 months ago


GO DAN! smile

by SavannahGB

23 years, 3 months ago

Boy im starting to hate being poor. First i needed to get a playstation when i got a N64. Then i needed to get a PS2 (which i never did). Then i need to get a GBC (which i did). Then i need a GBA (which i havent) and now i need to get either a Game cube or Xbox. Jeez, and i still need to get a DVD player so i can watch the Ghostbusters DVD. Man, everything coming out and i have no money to spread around on all this cool stuff. (that and the fact i need to get an upgrade to this computer.) Man id be happy if they came out with a system that i could put all my old NES, Atari 2600, Gameboy, SNES, and Sega Genesis games on so i could play them as i choose, since my Atari is screwed up, NES works (sometimes) and my sega is so screwed i cant play the Ghostbusters Game for it. does anybody know a system that i can maybe download these old games that you cant buy anymore, burn them on to a disc and play on a system? I'd love to be able to play all those old games on ONE system that works and dont have to blow into all the time.

by DanElektro

23 years, 3 months ago

I'm understandably really busy at work…but I took on a freelance assignment just so I would be able to have money set aside for both systems. I hear you about not having the cash!

(Hey, just because I have a fun job doesn't mean I'm rich! They're usually on opposite ends of the spectrum…)

by rgghost

23 years, 3 months ago

Quote From Some Guy:


Reasons NOT to get Xbox:

Runs on Windows, unstable (crashed on the E3 floor in the middle of a game), the developer support isn't good, the number of consoles available is minimal (although that doesn't effect the system itself. As for the Current Software Library, besides DOA3 and maybe, MAYBE Halo (we don't know if it's good yet), there is the notable lack of a SINGLE killer app, and few franchise entries that would really make anyone look twice. Many Xbox games are available on other platforms - hardly a compelling reason to take a chance on this newcomer - and the exclusive titles are primarily original games that lack a proven track record to attract gamers. $300 risk

GameCube, on the other hand:

Luigi's Mansion (Bustin' Ghosts)
Star Fox Adventures
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 2!
Wave Race: Blue Storm
Soul Caliber 2
(there's a list of about 185 games in production)

$200 and you WILL be satisfied.


The developer support isn't good? Man, are you stupid? check that out, thats not even all of them.

by Specter

23 years, 3 months ago

LOL! That's some list you got. And how many of those a EXCLUSIVE. I'm sorry, but that list doesn't change my mind. I note the lack of RAREWARE and 3DO on that list. Ooops.

and two can play:

by Slimee

23 years, 3 months ago

anyone know what system driver 3 is coming out on? i know it will be on PS1 &PS2 but what about gamecube or xbox?