Games you are going to buy

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Since E3 is almost done with Day One of the conference, I thought I start a thread of looking at the new games coming out. First we have Microsoft.

What new games that have been announced are you going to get? Granted I will update this thread as time passes as E3 is still on this week.

Note: We know Ghostbusters, but let's keep going. Also, I don't want any hate on this thread. These are your games you are going to buy and I don't want to hear what games you think are overrated or what not. If you spam with that junk you are going off topic and I will ignore you.

I think the games I am going to get are

-Halo 3: ODST
-Halo: Reach
-Brutal Legend
-BioShock 2

Possible games I want to get
-Assassin's Creed 2
-Splinter Cell: Convictions

by Reapergb

15 years, 9 months ago

-Halo 3: ODST
-Halo: Reach
-Brutal Legend
-BioShock 2
-Assassin's Creed 2
-Splinter Cell: Convictions

All a must. Plus i cant wait to see what Sony can do after the Microsoft conference.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Me either. This might be one the biggest E3s to date.

I hope they are making Kingdom Hearts 3.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Halo: Reach was a shocker to me, so of course I am going to have to check that out…

Already set my mind on ODST…

Brutal Legend I am on the fence about. I like the idea…but I am sort of getting tired of Jack Black.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Brutal Legend I am on the fence about. I like the idea…but I am sort of getting tired of Jack Black.

I like Jack Black. I think he is funny and a good actor. He has just been given the wrong roles.

As for Brutal Legend, I think I am definitely going to get. Several rock legends such as Ozzy are going to be in it and it's from the same people who did Psychonauts…I LOVED PSYCHONAUTS.

It was actually a game that pushed the boundaries. Sure it has mistakes, but t can be easily over looked at how great the game was for creativity.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Psychonauts was indeed awesome. Possibly one of the biggest underrated games of all time in my opinion. But Jack Black is the only negative for me. I loved him when he first started to become popular. I thought he was funny, but now he is starting to wear thin…

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Psychonauts was indeed awesome. Possibly one of the biggest underrated games of all time in my opinion. But Jack Black is the only negative for me. I loved him when he first started to become popular. I thought he was funny, but now he is starting to wear thin…

I agree. Jack Black is wearing thin, but I don't blame Jack Black for this, I blame the movie industry.

Jack Black is very similar to Adam Sandler.

Adam Sandler is a funny and great. We loved him in Waterboy and Happy Gilmore, but what is causing his downfall is he is being put in so many bad movies that it tarnishes his image. Same goes with Jack Black.

Loved Jack Black in School of Rock and Kung Fu Panda (yes I watch the movie and I loved it), but when he started to be is so many of these crappy movies he was warn down thin.

So I agree and maybe you can agree on my point as well.

Now I am getting a little off topic. So anyone else want to chime in?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Oh ya, forgot he was even in Kung Fu Panda. I guess he was been in a good movie recently…forgot about that one.


I forgot mention this in my first post but L4D 2 was a surprise since L4D just came out November of last year.

by thedavetini

15 years, 9 months ago

Right now I got on Preorder

- Ghostbusters
- Batman Arkam Asylum

Thinkin bout

-Red Faction (the demo is pretty awesome)
-Maybe a Halo

I don't want to get an overload of games that will lay on the shelf half finished so I'm thinkin that Ghostbusters will be a priority, give me a couple months to play that, if I need something to tide me over til Batman comes out, I'll pick up a Halo or Red Faction.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago


Seems the 3rd Golden Sun game is in the development and I am definitely going to get that. I have beena fan of the first two for a while and I am sure I will love this one.