Gamestop Pre-Order: In-Game Ghostbusters 2 Uniform

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;138414
Actually I wouldn't.

See right now I only pay $50 for GB the video. I go to EB games. I would pay $10 more. Including the gas I had to spend getting down there. So yeah ecological stand point. My pre-order is the cheapest.

Not really when you factor in S and H

by robbritton

15 years, 9 months ago

If you mean the woman to the right of the dinosaur, I don't think that's Gozer.

I took it to be a wii-fied version of her. it was a long shot though, really.

by Verdic

15 years, 9 months ago

I really am wondering whats going on with the PC version. Anyone have a source I haven't found (Proton Charging, Gamespot, IGN ect.) that has any PC specific information?

by Whisk

15 years, 9 months ago

I really am wondering whats going on with the PC version. Anyone have a source I haven't found (Proton Charging, Gamespot, IGN ect.) that has any PC specific information?

i played the PC version at GDC. My impressions of it are here.

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

Kinda bummed, just preorderd the game at my local Gamestop and the guy knew nothing about the preorder material. Gonna have to call Monday and see what's up with that, unless they canceled the preorder material already.

by raymondstantz1

15 years, 9 months ago

I just got an email telling me that my amazon preorder has been cancelled as the uk is no longer getting the special edition which sucks, i really wanted that slimer too lol.

i guess ill just have to settle for a tshirt from then (;_

by rodie1

15 years, 9 months ago

By the way, for those of you saying that the GBII uniform may be available as unlockable after beating the game or something, on GameStop's site it says “GameStop Exclusive.” Dunno if that means it is or not, just letting you guys know.

by raymondstantz1

15 years, 9 months ago

well normaly that kind of thing is acsessed by using a code to unlock the ingame asset , if that is the case then im sure anyone will be able to get it from gamefaqs a few days or so after release.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Not really when you factor in S and H

I don't pay shipping and handling… of the many benefits of being an amazon elite member.

Plus it get shipped the same way as every other package that is being sent so….it is like you taking the bus instead of someone taking their own car.

Slimes on you. lol. Bad joke I know, I'll go back to my closet now.