Gamestop Pre-Order: In-Game Ghostbusters 2 Uniform

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Not teasing
well kinda since some info was let out why not treat ya guys to some more.

Because the “treating” is debatable, and getting to be just a little bit annoying.

Not just me the fans on here would like to know also.

There's a lot we'd like to know but in some ways would rather find out for ourselves.

It's also been good that he's answered questions whilst retaining his right to not discuss an area of the game he doesn't want to discuss, same with the majority of fans no pressuring for info if he isn't comfortable discussing it.

i was not told everything just some little cool info.
im not on here to argue.
just to converse with others and share what i know.

So you've been bragging for a while now.

I think you missed my “j/k.”

I see, well played. (*ray)


15 years, 9 months ago

im neutral but you come in and tell me im wrong. if i am wrong tell me i am wrong.
If someone gave me misleading info than i would like to know.

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

im neutral but you come in and tell me im wrong. if i am wrong tell me i am wrong.
If someone gave me misleading info than i would like to know.

Slimer's gonna slime you.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm still confused whether if the Uniform is included in the game? like when we finish the game we achieve it… or is it kinda like the Gold Lancer from Gears of War? Each Lancer has a specific code….


15 years, 9 months ago

no they will also be unlockable after the game has been beaten

its like the call of duty m1 grand rifle.
preorder and get the gun early

same with ghostbusters
preorder and get the uniform early.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm still confused whether if the Uniform is included in the game? like when we finish the game we achieve it… or is it kinda like the Gold Lancer from Gears of War? Each Lancer has a specific code….
no they will also be unlockable after the game has been beaten
its like the call of duty m1 grand rifle.
preorder and get the gun early
same with ghostbusters
preorder and get the uniform early.
You can find out for sure when the game itself is released.

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 9 months ago

If you worked for Atari as you say you do, then you would know what an NDA is.

NDA non disclosure agreement


by skankerzero

15 years, 9 months ago

im neutral but you come in and tell me im wrong. if i am wrong tell me i am wrong.
If someone gave me misleading info than i would like to know.

I thought I had made it pretty clear that your info has been all wrong so far.

by trp81284

15 years, 9 months ago

Returning to the subject at hand…….

The last game that I preordered was Doom3. It was such a fiasco just getting the game, that I vowed to never preorder again. But with this, I've been debating back and forth as to whether or not I should. But this just sold me. A tshirt and this special code…. gotta do it.

But like someone else mentioned, I hope there isn't a collectors edition. Then I would have to sell this copy to my brother or somebody, cuz of course I would have to have the bigger-badder version.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 9 months ago

You can find out for sure when the game itself is released.

Well obviously, I just wanted to know so I won't miss out on anything.