Gametrailers TV will have the Ghostbusters TVG Opening Cinematic on its Thursday Show

by bamaskyline

15 years, 10 months ago

this is for skankerzero,

since you work for TR, by what i saw in the opening cutscene, i must say i'm very impressed, but i wonder if by what i saw, i have a feeling there is more to the opening video than what was released?

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 10 months ago

Can´t stop my self and watched it…

I LOVE IT!!! Almost shed a tear… it´s true, it looks like a third movie.

I can´t wait for playing it.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

That's irrelevant, it's pretty fair to say it's not the same museum because one dealt with Art, whilst the other deals with history (other parts of the Museum level include Civil War and Egyptian exhibits).

Let me rephrase myself.

“It is hard to tell SIZE in video games.” Unless i had something else to compare it to, both buildings look the same…“size wise.”

You know what…nevermind. It's no point to argue.

by egonspengler4

15 years, 10 months ago

I loved the weird/funny emphasis on the words that Murray added. Seriously, I don't know why, but I found it hilarious. Just the right sense of self-mocking bravado that Venkman would bring to a commercial.

Along with the pose, as if he thought it was sexy and enticing. Hilarious!

by batman2

15 years, 10 months ago

your previous post was just so ‘as a matter of fact’.

you also act as if we can just make 2 seconds of footage out of thin air.

Have you tried to slow the footage of the trailer down like near the end so you can get an extra couple of seconds to synch the music up correctly…?

I think most of the Ecto-1 sequence is a little to fast, especially how it pulls up at the end parks up.

You know the old saying “measure twice, cut once”.

by LadyAkuma

15 years, 10 months ago

Have you tried to slow the footage of the trailer down like near the end so you can get an extra couple of seconds to synch the music up correctly…?

You know the old saying “measure twice, cut once”.

As a vid maker on YouTube, I know a bit about syncing up music and film. Those two seconds could kill a scene…for all we know, they tried, and it slowed the clip to the point of being a bad fit. Note, I'm no professional, but from my experience, those two seconds could be hard to fix…

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

or the opposite.

my experience has taught me that the most critical eyes come from those that are close to the project. Fans, reviewers, developers, etc.

The overall feeling around the net is positive and excitement. It's actually interesting to see these forums being as negative as they are.

I guess that's the nature of fandom in the ‘pause, rewind, rewatch’ age. Fans notice things others night not and either exalt or condemn them. for my money, if I was at all unclear before, I think it's absolutely amazing and I can't wait to see what happens next!

The twin towers thing is just my own grievance with over-sensitivity. I'm an ex-history student, so I guess the mindset is hard to turn off! It's in no way an aspersion on any work you guys have done.

by EctoGT

15 years, 10 months ago

i think it is annoying when everybody cries about how we don't see anything new, and how everyone wanted to destroy activision when they dropped the game (I'm one of them)…. so we finally get all these new things, GREAT things, and everyone spends 9 pages of a thread nitpicking things. Just be happy damn it!!! We are so lucky that we are even getting this game… a game that should be game of the year!! (next to modern warfare 2) :-)

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

Have you tried to slow the footage of the trailer down like near the end so you can get an extra couple of seconds to synch the music up correctly…?

I think most of the Ecto-1 sequence is a little to fast, especially how it pulls up at the end parks up.

You know the old saying “measure twice, cut once”.

It wouldn't be easy without having to do a whole new render I'd imagine.

The absense of “when there's” from the song doesn't bug me to be honest… it in some ways gives it a bit of a different meaning. The full-length lyric suggsts there may be something strange in someone's neighborhood, but dropping the two words for the game's intro makes it more of a certified statement, which makes sense in a way as Manhattan is undoubtedly getting overrun again.

Scott, no insult intended…

by Andreas

15 years, 10 months ago

And the way he poses when he says “Franchises coming soon” - kinda gay if you ask me.

:-) As if he's going to dance at the pole …

there's a reason for that that is no longer relevant in the new renders.

but that's a story for another time.

no no. i mean there used to be a reason why he posed like that.

So will this be cutted or what?