Gametrailers TV will have the Ghostbusters TVG Opening Cinematic on its Thursday Show

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Why of why is it not June yet?

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 10 months ago

ectoplasmic residue;140312 in case some missed it.

you beat me! ON MY OWN THREAD TOO.

yeah awesome intro, cant wait to own the game.

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 10 months ago

you beat me! ON MY OWN THREAD TOO.

yeah awesome intro, cant wait to own the game.
it was posted at gbfans already so just pasted from there.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 10 months ago

Did anyone else notice that, at the begining of the theme song, you don't hear the words ‘when’, or ‘there’s, it just starts off ‘something strange in your neighborhood’.

Another thing that comes to mind. Since they used basically the same commercial from GB 1, it would have been cool for them to A) Use the actual dialouge from the first movie, or B) The actual footage.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 10 months ago

ectoplasmic residue;140319
it was posted at gbfans already so just pasted from there.

I know. don't worry about it.
I am now so excited for this game, come faster june, come faster.

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 10 months ago

This thing is a teaser of all teasers, not a spoiler in any way guys. Pretty innocent stuff, great beginning and intro, VERY short…I was always going to watch it but for those who skipped it due to not being “spoiled”…it does no such thing, it's not like you see any video of how the rookie is recruit, just a SOMEWHAT expanded video of bits and clips that you've already seen and could have kinda assumed and/or pieced together on your own.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

Ok, I have a question, I don't suppose you got to voice yourself did ya Skanker?


The other security guard is my coworker Ian. He modeled all the likenesses in the game.

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 10 months ago

I know. don't worry about it.
I am now so excited for this game, come faster june, come faster.
same. i dont want to watch anymore stuff, but cant help myself. it just screams watch me…

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 10 months ago

awesome.. !

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Ok, I have a question, I don't suppose you got to voice yourself did ya Skanker?

The other security guard is my coworker Ian. He modeled all the likenesses in the game.

Thats a shame. Would have been cool if they had let you guys do that…I mean it's not like they are important characters or anything. I mean important as in main characters