Gametrailers TV will have the Ghostbusters TVG Opening Cinematic on its Thursday Show

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm not sure why anyone is assuming it was cut down.

It said ‘opening cinemat’, not ‘portion’ or ‘glimpse’.

And after saying that, I"m not sure why anyone would think that gameplay would begin right after that video.

by Whisk

15 years, 10 months ago

that was good, it was hard for me to watch it because i didnt want to spoil anything. luckily, it didnt spoil much of anything. i absolutley loved the ghost busters logo intro and the credits, it made it feel very much like the movie. good stuff.

by batman2

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm not sure why anyone is assuming it was cut down.

It said ‘opening cinemat’, not ‘portion’ or ‘glimpse’.

And after saying that, I"m not sure why anyone would think that gameplay would begin right after that video.

If it's not a cut down intro then it is badly edited, does not flow well, feels rushed.

As a huge Ghostbusters fan I would give it 7/10, if it flowed better I would give it a higher rating. I am only saying that if a fan like me (my own opinion) thinks it's just OK then the casual gamer would think of it even less.

I want the game to be a huge success, but I will not blindly lap up every thing that is pumped out as being excellent just because I am a fan, I'm no fanboy and I will be crittical if something needs to be said.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

I am only saying that if a fan like me (my own opinion) thinks it's just OK then the casual gamer would think of it even less.

or the opposite.

my experience has taught me that the most critical eyes come from those that are close to the project. Fans, reviewers, developers, etc.

The overall feeling around the net is positive and excitement. It's actually interesting to see these forums being as negative as they are.

by rodie1

15 years, 10 months ago

I think it's great. It feels like a game cinematic not a portion of a movie, and since it is a game then it's just what I was expecting and would want to see. It's funny I always imagined Ghostbusters III would start with some variation of the commercial from the original…

by raymondstantz1

15 years, 10 months ago

Well I liked it, its short yeah but thats not necessiarily a bad thing.

It gives you the basis for the story to follow and introduces the characters in such a way that it leaves you intrigued and wanting to see more.

A long cinematic is all well and good but honestly with a game like this ill just want to get into it as soon as possible.

( is it june yet? )

by jogi82

15 years, 10 months ago

i liked what i saw!
but it was to short for my taste and thats why its lame!
if thats the whole intro for the most hyped game of today………, well i think its going to be an kind of playable intro right after this sequence!

by GuyCC

15 years, 10 months ago

or the opposite.

my experience has taught me that the most critical eyes come from those that are close to the project. Fans, reviewers, developers, etc.

The overall feeling around the net is positive and excitement. It's actually interesting to see these forums being as negative as they are.

I personally think it's great. It nailed all the right notes right off the bat. The Columbia pictures logo, the GB commercial, the scare/lead-in to the theme song. I grinned like an idiot over the first logo, and found myself saying “please, please, please” in hopes that the GB theme would kick in right after the big scare. When it did, I again grinned like an idiot. My expectations were more than met.

People have to remember that as cinematic as this game is, it still is at heart a game, and not everyone will appreciate long/longer cinematics like we will. As much as this is catered to and geared for us, they have to take other gamers into consideration as well.

Is the twin towers something that can be added to the cinematic at this point or is it simply too late? I know there's been discussion on this subject here before.

Don't let the gripes and grumbles phase you, Skanker. You guys nailed what you set out to do, and it looks fantastic.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

I love how the guard totally missed the ghost on 3 monitors, he was that engrossed in the Ghostbusters commercial.

Funny, people keep saying Bill's lines sound phoned in. I think he's one of the better voice actors for the preview here.

by RickyM

15 years, 10 months ago

if you dont think this is amazing, then my friends i think you expected a tad too much out of this (GAME)