Gas prices

by secrecyguy

16 years, 9 months ago

I read a few articles saying that people are now driving slower because of the high gas prices.

As you know, if you drive slower on the freeway or highway, you will save money on gas.

So I just wondering how many people are actually doing it.

This poll will last 30 days.

by mdp872105

16 years, 9 months ago

I found that it doesn't make that much of a difference. Also I'm working on making a hho system for my car to curve the high gas prices.

by Chad

16 years, 9 months ago

I'm walking and biking it these days. Less time with the car is a good thing. I suppose I'm also trying to build up my karma points for when I'm driving the Ecto around. (*_*)

by mdp872105

16 years, 9 months ago

I'm walking and biking it these days. Less time with the car is a good thing….. (*_*)

Yeah I wish I could do that but I live 12 miles away from town and there is way to many hills to climb both ways. :-(
it sucks living out in the country

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 9 months ago

When I do drive, I don't speed. It's never been cost efficent for me to drive though.

by slimer3881

16 years, 9 months ago

Gas prices are getting way too damn ridiculous, soon people arnt gonna wanna drive anymore, its gonna turn into a bunch of madness if it keeps going up, like i said people arnt gonna wanna drive anymore, since gas will take away a huge bulk of their pocket money and bill money, it takes my one friend 70 dollars to fill up their tank. 70!! remember when it was 20? point is, the gas price thing is a very bad idea, and taxi & bus tickets are gonna start being a very popular thing.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

Its unfortunately not going to get any better until a alternative fuel source is adopted by the general public. Until then its just going to get worse and worse.

by mdp872105

16 years, 9 months ago

Gas prices are getting way too damn ridiculous, soon people arnt gonna wanna drive anymore, its gonna turn into a bunch of madness if it keeps going up, like i said people arnt gonna wanna drive anymore, since gas will take away a huge bulk of their pocket money and bill money, it takes my one friend 70 dollars to fill up their tank. 70!! remember when it was 20? point is, the gas price thing is a very bad idea, and taxi & bus tickets are gonna start being a very popular thing.


That is one thing good about the high price people are now really starting to thing about there financial situation and save money more effectively then they did when price where low.but it has gotten way out of hand and the price need to go down so people can use that new found knowledge. The gas prices are a problem every where and each place has its own unique situation and own unique way they need to deal with the problem.

As an American I feel what we need to do (America) is start using our own resources in order to get more control of the gas prices at least where we are at. It is has been proven that we have enough oil to supply us for 60 years and if we pump a little it to the market at a time in order to increase the supply to meet the demand better. That oil could last us even longer. Now this will help other nations out because there would be more oil to go around and the effect would become universal in a way. I would also suggest that America needs to encourage more mass transportation in more suburban and city. Unfortunately a lot of Americans live out in the rural areas making any form of mass transit impossible.

As for other nations such as england, Germany, etc.. Gas prices are a major problem also but a large majority of the population lives in the city or are very close to the city and if there was ever a need to travel a long distance within Europe it will be pretty easy since there is such a dense population in a fairly small area. Making mass transit a more cost effective. So I applauded the people of Europe for taking advantage of the situation and doing what needs to be done to save money. Also this is the reason why people can not compare Americas transit system to Europe's transit system fairly

So Now lets take that money that we save and put it into the research of new fuels that are not only cheap and renewable but also earth friendly. Everyone would win. The environment, Conservatives like me who feel that green movement is hurting the economy (I'm not trying to start a fight here I'm just explaining how we feel) also the Green movement that has pushed for a greener way to travel though I will admit they will probably not like us drilling our own oil at all but in the end they will be happy with the change also since we would move to a greener fuel.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 9 months ago

We havent drilled a new well in the United States for many decades, nor have we built any new refineries. I'm fine with saving the environment, I do think more money should be devoted to alternative fuel, ie: money not given to the oil companies who have yet to produce any results.

But when crude oil is in excess of 100 USD a barrel, I believe it becomes a National Security hazzard. The temporary solution is to explore new wells in U.S. territory; the longterm solution is to fund research outside of big oil for alternative power sources.

by Egons_girlfriend24

16 years, 9 months ago

I found that it doesn't make that much of a difference

I agree.. I hear in two years. That a barrel of oil will cost $200.00. And that gas will go even higher. You think you are paying alot now. Just think what you will pay in 2 years. I wish I lived in holland or somewhere, where you could either take a train or bus to work or wherever.

It's not just the gas, it's cost of living that is going up too. I really miss my childhood. I miss seeing gas as $1.59 a gallon.
