Gas prices

by hutch2426

16 years, 9 months ago

Gas is not getting more expensive, gas is actually just now catching up to inflation. We enjoyed gas back in the 80's and 90's that was actually below what it should have been. We are just now seeing what average prices should be, but there are also many other variables driving up gas prices.

by imported_E-DUBB

16 years, 9 months ago

gas prices piss me off, but there is nothing i can do. i need to drive to get to work, there is no bus. i also need the car to take my girlfriend to work. she takes the bus to work, but it stops running late at night when she gets off.

until there is something introduced that will eliminate the need to drive, the gas companies have me by the balls. i dont like it, but i cant do much about it.

by ajquick1

16 years, 9 months ago

Gas prices are getting way too damn ridiculous, soon people arnt gonna wanna drive anymore, its gonna turn into a bunch of madness if it keeps going up, like i said people arnt gonna wanna drive anymore, since gas will take away a huge bulk of their pocket money and bill money, it takes my one friend 70 dollars to fill up their tank. 70!! remember when it was 20? point is, the gas price thing is a very bad idea, and taxi & bus tickets are gonna start being a very popular thing.

Am I the only one who thinks high gas prices are a good thing?

If gas starts to cost $10 a gallon.. I think the United States will finally be forced to clean up its act. People would be fine with paying $10 / gallon if their car gets 100 MPG.

Perhaps people will start using different technology like Electric Vehicles which can go $.05 / per mile.. and don't pollute.

High gas prices will enpower the United States to start developing new technologies, creating new jobs.. and advancing civilization.

by imported_E-DUBB

16 years, 9 months ago

AJ Quick
High gas prices will enpower the United States to start developing new technologies, creating new jobs.. and advancing civilization.

while i do agree with it being positive in the sense that we new technology will have to be invented which will help our environment, i have to respectfully disagree with your comment about new jobs. on one hand it will create new jobs, but on the other hand thousands will lose their current jobs in the gas auto industry if that technology is fazed out.

by ajquick1

16 years, 9 months ago

Such is life.

Those workers would need to adapt to the new technology.

by Addiemonster

16 years, 9 months ago

My buddy just adjusted the carb (among some other stuff) on his daily driver ‘65 ’stang. It goes like a slug now, but that 302 will get about 25mpg highway!

Which is sad, because my Neon only manages about 20. (;_

As for myself, if I can walk it, I walk it. Cars are only for rich people again.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 9 months ago

AJ Quick
Am I the only one who thinks high gas prices are a good thing?

If gas starts to cost $10 a gallon.. I think the United States will finally be forced to clean up its act. People would be fine with paying $10 / gallon if their car gets 100 MPG.

Perhaps people will start using different technology like Electric Vehicles which can go $.05 / per mile.. and don't pollute.

High gas prices will enpower the United States to start developing new technologies, creating new jobs.. and advancing civilization.

The problem with this, is the fact that you are approaching this from a very optimistic stand point. If things worked like they should this would be the outcome, however reality is quite different.

Companies seek short term profits, it hurts long term profits if they shift focus to R&D and change systems. Therefore companies are not inherently in favor. This leads to somewhat of a slowburn; gas prices increase and more fuel efficent vehicles will arise. The public will be pleased at the offer of appeasement.

By the time the price hits the threshold wherein the outcry will be too tremendous to ignore, most likely the country will be in rough economic conditions as a vast majority of citizens will be spread very thin financially.

Here is where the relief comes in, and it will be a rat race between the major companies as it is no longer profitable to not develop. Figure in a few years for prices to drop down to where middle class people can afford the new technology. Then there is another significant problem…

Apathy. The public en masse is fairly ignorant to the realm of politics in the United States and the World; no offense to anyone but there is data on this matter and it's fairly well documented. Why should this matter? Because the grants companies need to advance technology come from Congress - you know those people we elect. Congress' job approval rating right now is horrendous, and for good reason - they don't listen to the people; yet an incumbent is very difficult to remove from office. If you notice, logic has ceased to work here. And while logically it makes no sense, it is our reality.

What I am trying to suggest, is that the technology/potential for technology is out there. However action is not being taken to produce the outcomes you describe AJ. The blame does not fall on the shoulders of Big Oil, OPEC, or anyone the media tries to paint as the red handed culprit. The rue source of our gas dilema is the American citizen, and their lax approach to their own civic duty. Personally, I sort of expect the country to plunge into horrible conditions before people wise up; and even then it may only last a decade.

by ajquick1

16 years, 9 months ago

I completely agree with you Ron!

The problem is the American people.. the ones that are complaining about high Gas prices and doing nothing to make their vehicles better or changing their ways.

Which is sad, because my Neon only manages about 20. (;_

Sounds like you need a tune up. A properly maintained Neon will obtain 30 mpg+ in the city and 35-40+ mpg on the highway.

by inebriantia

16 years, 9 months ago

Actually I saw an interesting report last week.

America consumes approx. 2 Billion barrels of gas (this is a # they said, and I'm trying to remember so these stats may be a little off)

We import 60% of our oil.
The price of oil according today rose $4 in one day and has now doubled in one year.

Coal can be made to make oil. If we decided to switch to the coal method the US could produce 200 Billion barrels of oil in one year. Montana alone which is the only state that converts coal to oil, could produce enough to supply the entire US. A barrel of oil made from coal costs approx. $60-$70 a barrel. Now they did say it could cause some enviromental problems, but if we really devolped tech. we could solve them.

Now why cant we do that? Why cant we use Sugar cane fuel like Brazil. Back when OPEC faked the oil crisis 30 yrs ago the US started to make coal to oil plants they were actually supposed to make 4 at that time alone. Then OPEC found out and lowed their prices, and the US cancelled plans. The military actually uses a lot of their gas from the plant in Montana.

I mean most of you probably saw the “We Were Warned” show the other night. They had cars running off of Veggie Oil, Hydrogen, and my uncle told me that I missed a part and he said they had one run off water, not sure if he meant the hydro car. I mean the hydro emits pure water, The Guy Stuck A Glass Underneath The Exhaust, And Drank The Water That Came Out Of IT!

I mean i live in Indiana where we have an abundance of corn and we have E85, but it's not even much cheaper and they say it pollutes worse.

But there are lots of South American countries, that do not depend on oil. I even saw a show on the news interviewing people in Brazil, and they were laughing at how much we spend on gas.

My fiance's mom, a single-mother of 9 children, who has no choice but to drive an ford expedetion, because of all the kids, and it costs her at least $80 to fill up their tank. Also because most of Indiana is small towns, we usually have to drive at least 30 one way to our jobs in bigger cities. Thats 420 miles a week just in work, her kids have to go to 2 different schools, because there aren't enough ppl in our area, and the schools are 20 miles apart, so she has to drive 15 to one school, 20 miles to the next, then 35 back home. Thats another 400 miles easy, making her put close to 1000 miles a week in driving, just to get her kids to school and go to work, all on a LPN salary.

Some ppl don't have the advantage of walking. Those oil rep. ppl. at the conference today said they feel the pinch just like everyone else. They even went as far to say. One in particular said, “ I have normal family, and I have normal friends, I see and understand everyday”. I highly doubt this, in fact I bet he gives all his friends and family free gas.

That bullshit they said to Bush about not raising production because they said the demand was just not there is stupid. They just wanna suck us dry, they dont even get 60% of the oil from the sites, b/c they say they don't wanna spend the extra effort so they just skim the top 40%.

Anyways sorry about the rant, I just got worked up. I'm not affected too much b/c I drive a Saturn and have always gotten at least 30mpg. But I just hate seeing families that have no choice suffer, and not have money for mortage, clothes, food. It's just bullcrap when we can do something about it. More useless suffering in the US

by Mat.

16 years, 9 months ago

82 bucks from a 1/4 tank, every 314-350km with a 3/4 ton. It sucks, but I need the cargo capacity.

Such is life.

I used to drive like a bat out of hell when I had the exploder, but my mellowing out on the roads had nothing to do with gas prices, I just grew up. S'funny that.