Gas prices

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 9 months ago

Keep in mind, there are more factors in play than Americans simply driving larger vehicles. That does provide a strain, but the largest strain is created because there are developing countries that are just now moving into industrialization. They are using a lot of oil, thus increasing demand and limiting supply.

Whats funny however, is if you watch CSPAN and ever see a hearing with Big Oil. Nowhere on their reported charts do you see how much they earn per year, and the way they design the charts make them look like nonprofit organizations - lol.

by mdp872105

16 years, 9 months ago

AJ Quick
I completely agree with you Ron!

The problem is the American people.. the ones that are complaining about high Gas prices and doing nothing to make their vehicles better or changing their ways.

Which is sad, because my Neon only manages about 20. (;_

Sounds like you need a tune up. A properly maintained Neon will obtain 30 mpg+ in the city and 35-40+ mpg on the highway.

Thats the problem though many americans don't have the money to do anything about it. I would love to by a hybrid, a smart car, or even a electric car the problem is we don't have the money to save to buy one. Every extra bit of cash is going to the bills or too the gas tank. That why we need to bring price down even if its just for a little while and really encourage people to buy these vehicles. So that when prices goes up to 5,6,7 or even 8 dollars a gallon we can tell opec and the oil companies F*)& off. AJ I agree with you a lot on many of the things you have said the high gas prices are a hard lesson for people but its a very valueable one. I just think we now need a break in the high gas prices to let people put these lessons that they have learned into action.

by sinister1

16 years, 9 months ago

How much is gas/petrol currently in the United States per measurement?

by slimer3881

16 years, 9 months ago

in my area its gone up to around $3.99 per gallon.

by sinister1

16 years, 9 months ago

That's £2.01 per gallon.

Current prices in Britain are £1.25 per litre, and one US gallon is 3.7854 UK Litres…

We pay £4.73 per (US) Gallon… which in American currency would be $9.37

So basically, in Britain it already DOES cost about $10 a gallon as AJ Quick foreshadowed…


by ajquick1

16 years, 9 months ago

So basically, in Britain it already DOES cost about $10 a gallon as AJ Quick foreshadowed…



But.. get this.. the UK has a gas tax that amounts to basically 50% of the cost per litre/gallon. Blame your government, you could be spending less if it weren't for them.. but you also wouldn't have the public transportation. It is lose - win.

While America is in a win - lose transferring over to a lose - lose situation.

I'll be here.. buying and selling cheap economy cars (good MPG cars) that get fixed up and sold to people with SUVs.

by sinister1

16 years, 9 months ago

Our Public Transport?

It's actually cheaper to drive all things considered. Bus and Train fares have skyrocketted as well…

by Addiemonster

16 years, 9 months ago

Aye, the Neon did well at first, but as Neons go, it started to deteriorate rapidly. The upkeep is so frequent and costly that in all honesty I'd be saving myself money if I caught the wiring harness on fire and rolled it into a quarry.

I'm a mechanic, so I'm very religious about car upkeep. But this particular car is just honestly not worth it. To get the car making those sort of mileage figures again, I may as well buy another car.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 9 months ago

Hey, atleast your vehicle makes more than 11-15 mpg >>

by ajquick1

16 years, 9 months ago

Aye, the Neon did well at first, but as Neons go, it started to deteriorate rapidly. The upkeep is so frequent and costly that in all honesty I'd be saving myself money if I caught the wiring harness on fire and rolled it into a quarry.

I'm a mechanic, so I'm very religious about car upkeep. But this particular car is just honestly not worth it. To get the car making those sort of mileage figures again, I may as well buy another car.

What kind of Neon is it? Automatic I'd guess?