GB 3 is dying and we don't care...

by drugasbuster

21 years, 10 months ago

ive said it before and ill say it again, those jackasses from columbia are only concerned in money, so i dont think they care about the fandom and i dont think they go and check the fan websites of the movies they had produced, so get real, they did not had noticed us.

But theres a solution, if we can find a way to show them that in this site ALONE there are 5583 users (today) asking about a gb sequel, think about other gb sites with other gb fans, and other fans that never go to this websites, and other semi-fans that would like to see the movie, plus all the regular people that doesnt share our vision of ghostbusters….thats a LOOOOT of people, and i don think much movies has that kind of fandom….

So, if you cant fin a way to show them that we all are going to see their movie and theyre gonna make a sh*t load of money…THEY WILL MAKE THE MOVIE!!

by mt237

21 years, 10 months ago

I believe that once the mid-90's were over, so was an opportunity for a Ghostbusters 3.

The only hint of Dan Akroyd's interest in a potential third film was in 1995's Casper, when he was dressed up as a ghostbuster and said “Who you gonna call? . . . Someone Else!” and he runs out of the house.

That had me very excited temporarily, but by this point it's too little to late. The same story with Jurassic Park 3.

by Dr.EcTo

21 years, 10 months ago

People let it go there is not going to be a GB3. I think Dan dosen't want to do it anymore or any of the other ghostbusters. thier old and it wouldn't be a good movie to see a bunch of old guys try to catch ghosts. I'll just ruin ghostbusters completely