ive said it before and ill say it again, those jackasses from columbia are only concerned in money, so i dont think they care about the fandom and i dont think they go and check the fan websites of the movies they had produced, so get real, they did not had noticed us.
But theres a solution, if we can find a way to show them that in this site ALONE there are 5583 users (today) asking about a gb sequel, think about other gb sites with other gb fans, and other fans that never go to this websites, and other semi-fans that would like to see the movie, plus all the regular people that doesnt share our vision of ghostbusters….thats a LOOOOT of people, and i don think much movies has that kind of fandom….
So, if you cant fin a way to show them that we all are going to see their movie and theyre gonna make a sh*t load of money…THEY WILL MAKE THE MOVIE!!