GB Central Ecto-1A Pictures

by TheBigGuy

23 years, 2 months ago

Back in the days of Ghostbuster central, there were two ecto mobiles on the prop page. One was a 1-A replica that was a real '59 caddy. There were 7 pics of the car on the road and at a caddy show, things like that. I thought it was great! Who is that guy? Where can I find those pics? And why are they not on this site?

by TheEcto1a

23 years, 1 month ago

The Only 1a replica that I know of that is built on an actual 1959 M-M Cadillac is mine. We did have some Photos up on the old site of our coach at a local Cadillac show. Maybe that's the one you are thinking of.

There are 16 new photos of it here on You can floow the link below..
