GB Doom - Simply Brilliant.

by Dr.Johnson

22 years, 1 month ago

Having read so much about the game I finally decided to actually download it yesterday, after about an hour and a half of installing, reinstalling and tinkering with various files I finally got the game to run.

What struck me almost immediately is how realistic the game actually is, the first level inside the N.Y Public Library was done so well and to be totally honest a was actually on the edge of my seat whilst looking for that levels ghost (which I still can't find) I think the only thing that was missing from the first level was the bookcase falling over.

I later discovered the cheats and I'm now the proud owner of my very own Proton Pack, I was literally living out a childhood dream running around the various levels from both films blasting anything that moved.

I wasnt too sure about using the PKE and Giga Meters as weapons as well as the dodgy lighting in some levels but there are far too many positives than negatives in the game, I especially liked the level where the Containment Unit is shutting down and Walter Peck appears on the stairway and says “I want that man arrested”.

All in all I would definately recommend anyone that doesnt have the game to go and Download it asap, and to the creators (if you are reading this) thankyou for making this longtime Ghostbusters fan very happy and I hope you do continue with the project one day.

by Teeth

22 years, 1 month ago

Uh I don't mean to be Mr cleverclogs but near the end of the first level a bookcase does fall over.