Hey guys, I am starting the for now, un-official GB fan club. I wanna know how many of you wanna join. It's real simple. Just e-mail me your name, and tell me about how big of a GB fan you are, and you are in. (please use real names, and your user name). I will then add you to the up-coming web-site, and you will also recieve the monthly news-letter. I can bet this will be a very cool thing, but we need your help. so send me an E-mail at ajboeche@hotmail.com and put GB Fan Club in the topic, so it doesn't get overlooked. Once we get going, this will be really cool! Remeber, the web-page will be up and going soon, and once we get it all together, we will mail out something along the lines of a membership card. We may even have a montly contest or two. so e-mail me, because without all of your help, we can't make it happen.