GB freak has a real cool behind the scenes Ghostbusters 2 video

by erikghostbuster

21 years, 7 months ago

hey everyone-

GB freak (brendan mertens) has a real cool behind the scenes special features ghostbuster tape. He just sold it to me I would try to contact him to see if he has anymore.

Here is his mail :d

by GBFreak

21 years, 7 months ago

Please do not send me emails, that was my only copy. I feel that it should eb spread amoung the community. If youw ant copies then please send your emails to Derek Osborn. He is the one that I bought it off and he is the one who makes the copies. Please send him the emails and not me. I Also traded The Tape and did not sell it. I made no monay off the tape. SO please if you want to purchase it go to Derek Osborn. Thanks.