GB III story

by Edimasta

23 years ago

no one is looking into fan fiction seciton… thats bad, so here you have my story for my GB III comic!!!

In my Story the future of New York and the Ghostbusters is very dark….

After a big war in 2026 with a mass of ghosts, New York is destroyed. In this time of war, the ghostbusters became a big organzisation like a police. They have good and better equipement, good ecto suits and more… and they have to protect the world against the ghosts. But the danger is concentrated in New York… there is the Dimensional Portal from where the ghosts are escaping. And now in 2056, every week, some GB-Squads go through the destroyed city to look if ghosts or any other paranormal activites that will be dangerous try to danger our world.

And in one night, some squads are seeing a big problem: Some Ghosts have build something like a portal… its like a TIME-PORTAL, because they want to get to the year 1984 and stop the 4 old ghostbusters from beginning their work, so the ghosts can overtake the world and to make it their new home. The squads are trying to stop them, and one guy is jumping through the portal and follows a big and strong ghost who tries to escape…. but the guy isnt landing in 1984, he is landing in 2024.

And thats where my comic is starting:

The old Ghostbusters have stopped their businnes! But the dangerous ghost is in this time too… and he wants to reactivate the big portal for the dimension of ghosts to overtake new york and the world….

So the race begins, new Ghostbusters are here, the guy from the future helps to do better equipement, and they are starting to bust some ghosts… because the end is near!!!

How you like that story? Well i am looking for anther new word than GHOST… that sounds so…. boring smile

If you have an idea post here please!!

I will introduce COOL Equipement in the future after the war (it will be seen on some pages, because the future is not the important part of the story) like Proton-Blasters, Proton-Bombs, new Proton-packs, Ecto-Protection-Suits… and much more….

How you like those ideas?

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Sounds like the situation from Final Fantasy: The Spirits within. Nice work and good material!! I'll look forward to reading it smile

by GBSlimerFan

23 years ago

Looking forward to reading it!!


“Somebody get me the Ghostbusters!!!”

by eduardo_uk

23 years ago

ive also started a ghostbusters comic that is on going… i started it when i was 12 and as the years have progressed i got better at the characters and now i want to sell it but copywrite wont allow me to… what should i do?

by Edimasta

23 years ago

i am glad that you like it smile

i was a bit inspired from final fantasy!

But i also wanted to take the GBs into a dark future!

Does anyone have an idea for another, more mysterious word than GHOST? This word does not fit with my dark future…

I am writing the complete story, i will post it here too!

Then i will start some drawings and then the comic! You will also find them on my site (url in my sig)

More critics please smile smile

by dave_15

23 years ago

How about “ecto-plasmic entity”?

by Edimasta

23 years ago

that sounds great!

EPE = Ecto-Plasmatic-Entity

Cool thx smile

Come on, give me feedback! Mor comments or critics please smile

by drugasbuster

23 years ago


by dave_15

23 years ago

Your welcome. I like your story too. I'm into the whole
sci-fi/fantasy/futuristic world thingie myself.

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

Not bad… I like it and am looking forward to it, and i might go check the fan fiction section right now.