GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by fomeboy

19 years, 5 months ago

GB News Message

Dear Ghostheads,

I must begin this message by apologizing for a long overdue update. I am aware that many concerns over lack of news were expressed these past few weeks and I hope this update will answer some if not all of them.

First I'd like to address the delay in publishing the Legion Hard Cover. It is without question than I never anticipated such delay and again I must apologize for it.

The reason this is taking so long is that I am awaiting one final answer before going to press with it. I cannot confirm if the answer will be positive but the risk is worth the wait in my opinion and once the answer is known (positive or negative) I will announce it publicly. For those wondering, this is regarding the postface.

I must stress that the reason for the delay is not financial, but regarding the answer in question. As some of you may know I am now working for a printer so it is obvious the printing side of things is not a problem.

Next updates until final solid release date will be made every week, I expect the answer to come to me within 2 weeks, only then will I be able to go to print whether the answer being positive or not.

Best Regards

Sebastien Clavet

N. B. : You are receiving this message if you either; subscribed to the 88MPH email newslist on, purchased the Legion Limited Hard Cover Edition, or if you are a member of the message board.

Also posted at the end of this topic:

by evenflow66

19 years, 4 months ago

When did the pre-order date for the HC start anyway? Just curious to know…

by Buckaroobwana

19 years, 4 months ago

It's been 3 weeks.

No update.

I'm still not happy.

So, Seb, what's going on?

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

You're not the only one who isn't happy with the current situation, so it didn't really need to be said, all the people who've ordered the book are in the same position.

by revraven1

19 years, 4 months ago

Everyone who has purchased a Hardcover should not be happy and be up in arms demanding to know what's going on with our money. Clavet has been holding onto our money for months with very little information being given out. This is not normal, and borderline on deceptive and fradulent business practices. I encourage every person who has paid for a hardcover to either email Clavet or post at your dissatisfaction with the lack of information. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

I have purchased 5 copies of the hardcover, and I honestly feel defrauded at this point. I paid for the copies back in May, and aside from one update in June I didn't receive an update to my order until the end of September. This whole situation smells fraud. A scam. I am very afraid that I won't get either my product or my money refunded, and all the 88 gushers who refuse to accept any criticism of Clavet or his poor business practices, in addition to the lack of information and curious wording of 88's last update is not helping make me feel better.

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

Not gushing, but…

whole situation smells fraud. A scam.

That's what they said when it looked like legion wasn't gonna get published, back before we knew of anything concrete.


19 years, 4 months ago

Ah, Red Ketchup…how we miss you.

Rev, starting a riot ain't gonna get the thing published any faster. We already know the reason for the delay…until that reason's taken care of it's gonna be delayed. We're not happy, he's not happy. But, that's life. And why the hell would you order 5 copies anyways? That's just nuts.

by revraven1

19 years, 4 months ago

Not gushing, but…

whole situation smells fraud. A scam.

That's what they said when it looked like legion wasn't gonna get published, back before we knew of anything concrete.

Right, but currently he's been accepting orders for a product for five months now with no release in sight and very little information on what's taking so long. And being that he already has a considerable amount of money, that is the reason why I fear this might be a scam or a ploy.

by revraven1

19 years, 4 months ago

We already know the reason for the delay…until that reason's taken care of it's gonna be delayed. We're not happy, he's not happy. But, that's life. And why the hell would you order 5 copies anyways? That's just nuts.

We know the reason for the delay? All Clavet said in the last update was the following:

“I'm waiting on an answer to a question I asked someone before I publish.”

That's not knowing the reason for the delay. That's a stall line.

Why would I order 5 copies? Well for one, I wanted to help support the HC with good sale numbers. Two copies were for gifts, the rest are for my personal collection. As a collector, I never buy just one of an item if I can help it. And being as that I wanted 88 to sell as many copies as possible (proving that GB is still a viable franchise and hopefully spuring more future comics), I purchased several copies as I had done with the mini series proper. I have brand loyality: I'm a Ghostbusters fan and I want the franchise to succeed. I enjoyed the creative side of Legion and hoped for more in the future. I do not have company loyality however.

So yes. The more copies are sold, the more attractive the franchise becomes. You might not understand that, but I do.

by fomeboy

19 years, 4 months ago

And why the hell would you order 5 copies anyways? That's just nuts.
