GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by divia1

19 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman
Especially you Divia, of all people you should be apologizing for your ridiculous hounding of this issue.

I think not.
Nor did I ever say he was going to Mexico.
And to date I have been right for there is no hardback. Do I hope you guys get it? Yeah. I would find no pleasure in seeing you guys get screwed outta your $$. Nor would I be boastful and say HAHA you got screwed outta your $$$. Think what you like but not even I would do that. However, I was also right that the comic was gonna be canned due to a number of reasons, which I have stated.

I know some of you don't agree with what I say or have said. Some have argued with me time and time again. Some have told me to shut up…and some other choice words. Look, I know people in the biz and I tried to explain some things but eh, it turned into one big hostile mess.

In the end….did I want to see the comic fail? No. I enjoyed it and I hoped it would go on. GB was the last comic I bought and now there is no reason for me to go to the comic shop anymore. THese are all things I have stated before.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

Divia, from the sound of things, you agree with 90% of the comic book buywers in the world concerning Clavet's ignorance on the matter. Just know that people on this website who host it have been getting “free issues” so their undying support of 88mph studios isn't support for the franchise, it's bought support (for a cheap price I might add).

That's quite the accusation to make. Bribary? That's nice, considering all comics I got, I bought with my own money. I had no ‘free gifts’ thank you very much.

Clavet's based in Canada, I don't know about you, but maybe he isn't immediately concerned with US national holidays, maybe didn't even realise it was one.

As for email delays, we've gotten emails saying that books will be shipped soon, but that he had to get the full details from Paypal.

Okay, maybe it's a delay tactic. But I figure he'd sooner say he couldn't print the books, they just up and vanish after publishing, like Venkman said, a legit four-part comic series. So far we know all we know that's bad about him is that he's late. You're clutching at straws that he's a scam artist.


I've had some time to think over it, and I'm unlocking this topic. However, I would like to make a direct request to Divia and Dalboz. We're on the verge of the Hardback being officially released, we know that Sebastien has suffered with delays, however, there is no proof to suggest there is a scam.

You've made your views on Sebastien incredibly clear for a while now, and I would like to make a request, on the behalf of those who are buying the book, that you please just keep these comments to yourselves. I know you probably mean well, but making claims that Sebastien is a fraud without any proof is libel and if you actually say out loud then it's slander. You are giving irrational fears toward people getting the product they ordered.

I'd like to add, as a final part; I have received no free copies of the comics. I have bought each of the issues and the book through the normal channels. But where have you heard, that people were receiving free copies?


19 years, 3 months ago

Divia, there was nothing wrong with you saying what you said initially.


Some of us chose to wait till #4 before putting a nail in the ongoing coffin ‘cause ya know miracles CAN happen, but you INSISTED on CRAMMING down our f*cking throats that it was gonna get cancelled, the sales figures didn’t add up, blah, blah, blah. Divia, I like you, you were fun to talk to, but you were getting ANNOYING AS HELL. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Dalboz and the rest of you; Seb f*cked up. No shit. It was obvious he didn't adequately prepare for the venture and all the problems that could arise. Hey, shit happens. That doesn't mean it was a f*cking scam, it just means that Seb's trying to set his goals but keeps being unable to attain them and as such has stopped setting them until he can be 100% sure. I'd chalk that up to being a slow learner on his part. The last time I checked, we got an EM making sure everyone's EMs were the same. That can only mean things are close.

Now, as for that bribary bullshit, you got some f*cking nerve, pal. I can't speak for the others, but working in comics is a dream of mine. As such, I know what it takes, I know all the problems. Seb has lived my dream and therefore I'm gonna support him as long as he wants to do it, just like I'd support any of you who did the same and I'd hope you'd do for me. What, if you tried to put out a product and it ended up in the shitter I'm supposed to drag your name through the mud? Say you scammed us? Insight riots and death threats? Give me a f*cking break.

It's because of people like you, people who can't make a point and then let it ride without POUNDING IT INTO OUR SKULLS OVER AND OVER, that I completely wouldn't blame Seb for never trying this again even if he managed to figure out all his problems. Hell, I wouldn't even hold it against anyone else here if they wanted to take a stab at the GB industry, because I wouldn't want customers like you. Ungrateful, selfish, uncaring pieces of shit.

I'm done.

by divia1

19 years, 3 months ago

Oh Ecto, how I vex thee, let me count the ways. (^_^)
I only said what I did because NO ONE WOULD F*CKING LISTEN. I know people want to live in their bubbles but common. Reality…..
And for the record I never said he was a fraud. Do not lump me in such a group.

Now, that being said, let me also make a request and that is that Ecto and the like stop spewing the same shit they have…….over and over……and over………..again. Then we can all be happy and pleasant again….or as happy and plesant as life allows.


19 years, 3 months ago

I didn't lump you in that group, and we did listen and we heard you fine, but as I said: Miracles have happened. Coulda done without the dark cloud over the mini, babe.

And we have to say what we say ‘cause otherwise the shit eaters like RevRaven get free reign and we don’t need that shit around here no more. This community's been f*cked up enough as it is without some rookies getting into the mix. We're helping, being useful and constructive; can they say the same?

Granted, I'm not helping much anymore but I need an outlet since I can't hit them.

by divia1

19 years, 3 months ago



19 years, 3 months ago

Sugar Pie Honey Bunch? :p

by evenflow66

19 years, 3 months ago

Let's all sing and dance the happy dance.

by castewar1

19 years, 3 months ago

I'm blowing the whistle on this one - let's steer the conversation back towards the hardcover, in a forward thinking sort of way, rather than rehashing the past.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 3 months ago

Let's all sing and dance the happy dance.
How about we do the truffle shuffle instead? :p