GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios


19 years, 2 months ago

You coulda got your money back at ANY TIME. Don't listen to morons, it's a business, they do refunds. But if ya stick it out the reward is greater.

by divia1

19 years, 2 months ago

Have people who wanted a refund from Seb and who bought their books through Seb…gotten a refund?

This is a general question. So everyone who has their knickers in a knot thinking I"m trying to start something pull em out and settle down.

I know that some people who ordered from GC got their $$ back. I have no idea if people who went through Seb asked for a refund or not. Good question.

by Kingpin

19 years, 2 months ago

Considering only two or three people have even mentioned that they want their money bark, and obviously aren't fans I don't know if they'll repost.

And that's if they'e not trying to be deliberately biased and claim they never got their refund even if they did…

by gjustis1

19 years, 2 months ago

It's december 1st, Ben. It's been over a year since the book was even brought up.

I wonder if sending Dan Aykroyd's (sp?) agent a notification that someone was using Danny's name as a scam will get some motiviation into this project.

Falsely using someone else's name to pretend to sell a product over state lines is a felony

If I don't get my book int he mail in a week, I am going to do this. His agency is easy enough to find on



by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 2 months ago

wow dude calm down…

its a book


by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 2 months ago

lol, seriously, everyone is getting way too uptight about this thing, its a book, if you dont wanna wait any longer, get your money back, if you DO wanna wait for it, then shut up and wait for the book. “I'm taking my money and going Home!” isnt gonna work on this one, and if you get Sebastian in trouble, (which I'm not even sure whether you CAN or not) abd causing the book to get cancelled, there's gonna be a LOT of people pissed at you who have been patiently waiting for their copy.

by Dr.PGhastly

19 years, 2 months ago


88mph has produced one of the best Ghostbusters products since the original DVD. The Legion series was awesome. The art was fantastic and captured the raw essence that is Ghostbusters, The story stayed true to Dan and Harolds revised vision of the GBs universe, and the fans actualy made a difernce. I remember when seb wanted to know about the CU and the boards were on fire. Guess what happend, we got our wish. Whens the last time you wrote a video game company and said hey I was this level in this game and got it. Or called a movie director and say I gotta thing for this scene add it. Come on man thats special. I'm part of the Ghostbusters history now. 88mph gave me that. Why? Did they release 4 amazing books, post on the fans forums so they can trick me into thinking that they were gonna pretend to put already produced products togeather and run me for my money? Did they hit a snag….of course. Why wont he tell us? who knows. your talking thousands, hes talking hundreds…what if its not even that? He could have kept the pre-orders open because he needed more of them. maybe hes met that and is waiting to go to print. I dunno, you dunno. But were all here because of the same reason. I would rather see the same guys acting like fools right now (thats right, you know who you are) in a discussion this heated that actualy holds some relavence to the Ghostbusters, with guys like Kingpin. N dont get it twisted, Him and I havn't seen eye to eye on a few things over the years and thouogh it may look like hes just backing 88 and making excuses, I can promise you its only beacuse hes ahead of the game. Now what I want you to do is sit back, let some of this soak in….you can come back to it if it gets to be too much, relax watch the movie and remember why your here in the first place. The books are coming, and if they don't you'll get your money. You should be more concened with the delay then the actual reason. If he came on here and told you it wouldn't change anything, and dont give me that “Ill feel better” crap. You pre-ordered it so you must want it and you seem to be desperate lol (I'll sue you over a comic?) so for your sake I hope we really do get it, I mean imagine what we'd ve talking about if 88 didnt already give us this much…'know that UK graphic novel is aimed at kids my daughters age. I should know I read them so I can tell ya first hand they don't hold up very well so uhh next time you get a chance why dont you make a thank you post to 88 and let'em know how good legion really was.

Oh and by the way tissues are on sale at CVS this weekend, saw it in the circular. I know how sensitive ya are

by evenflow66

19 years, 2 months ago

It's pretty lame and shallow for some of you to scoff at people who are concerned about where their money is going and for what. Some of us work hard for our money so you can't be shocked at the reaction regarding this issue.

It doesn't matter if it's a book, a pencil or a piece of trash. Money was paid for an item, money that was earned, and to date there has been a serious lack of communication and accountability. People are justified to be angry. End of story.

by gjustis1

19 years, 2 months ago

It's pretty lame and shallow for some of you to scoff at people who are concerned about where their money is going and for what. Some of us work hard for our money so you can't be shocked at the reaction regarding this issue.

It doesn't matter if it's a book, a pencil or a piece of trash. Money was paid for an item, money that was earned, and to date there has been a serious lack of communication and accountability. People are justified to be angry. End of story.

No one's being lame, no one's being shallow. The previous post was fairly well-written, actually….it was hardly insulting or abusive.

The frustruation that some people are feeling is most certainly justified….it's the words and actions with which they choose to express this frustruation that's under fire. Please, don't toss names around simply because you don't agree with certain point(s).

Like we've all said, we sympathize with being perturbed at the situation….but honestly, people need to chill the hell out.

There's no mocking “concern”….there's only combating negativity, bad vibes, and bad-mouthing.


19 years, 2 months ago

Damn skippy. Don't forget, us “scoffers” ponied up some cash too, so we're all in the same boat if ya think about it.