GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by evenflow66

19 years, 2 months ago

Alls I'm sayin' is don't all act like $35 isn't a big deal and tell everyone to chill out. The reasonably acceptable patience period of chilling out expired a long time ago.

I placed my order just prior to Halloween and it's now Christmas. I myself am starting to get anxious. Anyone prior to my ordering has every single right to be angry and wondering what's up.

Yes we are all in the same boat, it's just less than half of us seem to be defending and providing excuses for incompetence.

Stop being such Paladins and start yelling and screaming and questioning things like the rest of us. It's the only way to be cool.

by Kingpin

19 years, 2 months ago

Stop being such Paladins and start yelling and screaming and questioning things like the rest of us. It's the only way to be cool.

Some of us have to act as voices of reason even if it looks like toadying.

Yes, I've paid for my book, I'd like it now as it's been a while… but I keep myself occupied doing other stuff. Once this book comes out, this section is going to be going quiet and inactive… and well, maybe it's a part of trying to keep it alive as long as possible.

But most of our attempts have been to deal with people who are not being reasonable despite the circumstances, such as those threatening liturgation and voicing death threats.

'It's the only way to be cool?' What, so hounding someone is the ‘in crowd’? I'd much rather not be a part of the crowd, then.


19 years, 2 months ago

Question: What has yelling and screaming and questioning things done to expediate things, hmmmm?

I ordered my three copies (yes, three) back when I was making a LOT less than I am at the present, so dont' tell me about not being able to afford it. It took me MONTHS to save that up as soon as it was announced. THAT is just a little perspective for ya.

By the way, if being cool is acting like a JACKASS, then you're on the wrong board. There's two others for that kind of behavior. You wanna express your disatisfaction, that's fine. We advocate that as part of free speech. It's the “yelling and screaming” we fight against, if you bother to notice.

by GuyCC

19 years, 2 months ago

I was hoping for good news on the boards about a release date for the book, but no go.

Ah, well….

*goes back to beating dead horse*

by KansasCityGB

19 years, 2 months ago

Well i havent read all the post on here but i clearly see some people are upset that they have purchased this book a long long time ago and have got nothing in return. I am a huge gb fan and like everyone else on here and have been waiting to get my hands on this book. However, i do feel that preselling a book and pushing it wayyyy back is rediculous. The company doesnt have many projects going like these big time comic companies so it seems they should have no trouble gettin this book out. I have thought about getting my money back but I have waited this long, might as well see if 88 delivers.

by Kingpin

19 years, 2 months ago

I think some people think that 88MPH has it's own printer… it's somewhat obvious that they're a really small operation, and I think it makes more sense that they'd go to a printing company… which means the book would be in the hands, whim and schedule of the printer, and not Sebastien.

by evenflow66

19 years, 2 months ago

Yelling and Screaming was just a bad choice of words. I mean that people should be questioning the integrity of any company that provides poor service and doesn't make good on promises. It's the only consumer power we have when we are not satisfied. If nobody rants, complains or raises a stink well then there really is no problem is there? Businesses have to be accountable for their actions plain and simple. Sure you can disagree, that's your right, but it feels like everyone around here is backing up a piss poor business transaction out of principal or loyalty or whatever without really stopping to think about what in the bloody hell is going on or understanding why people are angry.


19 years, 2 months ago

Actually, we get it just fine. What you don't get is after 10 pages of the SAME FREAKIN' SHIT, it gets old. And I don't mean for them, I mean for us. ‘Cause, guess what? WE’RE THE ONES THAT HAFTA HEAR IT! We all said our peace and moved on; a select few of you say your piece, then say it again, and again, and AGAIN. And some of you lost any and all credibility. Death threats, lawsuits…I mean, give me a frigging break.

88MPH is a one-horse institution run by one man who inadequately prepared for the trials and tribulations of publishing a monthly comic. There's your reasons, there's your explanations. They also don't have a printer, it's likely being pushed through Seb's new company which most likely has a list of other orders. which most likely has priority over their new employee's book.

You can bitch all ya want, but it's not doing you no good on a MESSAGE BOARD that is niether run by nor affiliated to said company. You send E-Mails TO the company, you request a refund, you contact some kind of business thingamajig…but bitching and moaning on a message board and believing you're making the TINIEST bit of difference is just ain't how it works.

The book is coming, the series has been cancelled, so there's really nothing left to say on the matter.

by GuyCC

19 years, 2 months ago

And the horse keeps getting beaten.

Not making a jibe at anyone, but I agree, how can everyone make 10 pages of posts regarding nothing?

Ah well, it worked for the plots of Seinfeld. :p

by gbuster1a

19 years, 2 months ago

So,….. any new actual updates besides the one in november?