GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

I like, how despite other people chime in, you seem to center on mostly me and Ecto-1.

He decided to contact one fan rather than the entire customer base. That makes me feel so much better.

Considering the circumstances, it's an improvement.

I dislike posting on message boards on the Internet. I post here because this is the only area of Ghostbusters fandom right now that concerns me. I post here to keep in contact with other fans who have been burned by Clavet, for possible future recourse.

Do you ever listen to yourself? You're talking like you're gonna band together and form some sort of anti Sebastien JLA and go hunt him down…

he'd have to have killed his site and forum to really complete the ‘stolen’ bit. And would he bother still talking to people if he was running off with their money? Stop your bias.

This has been said by YOU several times before, as mere speculation. And again this a cop out. 88 was a small one man outfit, it wasn't a real publishing company like Marvel, DC, SLG, Antartic Press, Devil's Due…even the late Dreamwave comics (which went bankrupt) were more of a company than 88 was. There was never any more employees than Clavet, everyone else was hired as an outside contractor for one project.

I don't believe I ever said it was what happened, only that it is what I believed might have happened… and how does his being the only guy there play into that? A single guy can still get NDAs or whatever like a many person company.

The idea than an NDA is keeping information from us at this point is not only far's reaching for justification. Why do you constantly try to justifiy Clavet's actions rather than looking at the sizeable evidence that we've been taken?

Because I think it's more constructive to try work out what could be happening then run a guy out of town, you have as much evidence to support your theif theory as I do to my NDA theory.

You're telling me that other companies don't take people's money and then disappoint? Don't you dare call me grotesquelt stupid. Companies take other people's money, and I can compare Kevin Smith and Sebastien Clavet as they work in the comic industry.

And don't you take that tone about fanfic writers, there's a lot of talent there and you'd alienate the people who write that stuff.

I've spoken to him? Rarely on the forums, it's usually after he posted a comment, and it was some time ago that he posted regularily here. History shows he makes bad decisions and his products have been delayed. There's nothing prooving he's a thief and runs away with people's money. And before you use it, you don't know the specifics of what happened with that Transformers book either.

To you, Clavet has done nothing since Novermber, but only as he hasn't posted anything. Stop using no news as evidence to support your warped beliefs.

I do not hate Clavet. I am a customer of his and I critize his piss poor business practices,

Funny, you could've fooled me. I'm also a customer, and I was satisfied with my comic. Despite delays.

I attack Clavet's business practices, I don't care about him personally.

That's a great way to go about things, outright attack him blindly without a full deck of facts and half baked assumptions, that's war mongering.

I think I'm friends with him? By your basis that would mean I was getting free stuff from him, which I'm not. And even so, who has the right to say a person can't be a friend and a customer? I'm friends with my local comic guy and he still provides a business, it's not black and white, it's all shades of grey.

that we, customers, have purchased goods from without recepit,

Paypal would keep record of the money payment made to him, genius.

and with all signs pointing towards receiving nothing.

No information doesn't equal no product. Again, it looked at one time that ‘The Evil Men Do’ would never see completion… and news ran out about that until a compilation of the 3 parts gave a preview to the forth.

I'd never buy a thing from you if my life depended on it, knowing your approach and style of posting here.


19 years, 1 month ago

My site is very up-to-date, thank you very much you pompous f*ck. See, if you bothered to look at EVERYTHING instead of whatever you feel makes your case, you'd have move informed declarations. But, you don't, so you can't. You're just a whiny little bitch who thinks he's gonna be the next great leader or some stupid shit like that. I'm still waiting for your legal actions, junior. Go on. I dare you. I'd love to see you FALL ON YOUR FACE.

By the way, you know why you get such a cold reception? I'll tell you why; because you joined this board for the sole purpose of bitching about the lateness of the book. Now, had you maybe warmed us up…posted something worthwhile and made some REAL contributions to the boards beforehand, we'd take you more seriously. But as it is, you're just some rat bastard from West Clusterf*ck we don't know and have no reason to respect nor tollerate. Think about that, shit head.

by revraven1

19 years, 1 month ago

My site is very up-to-date, thank you very much you pompous f*ck. See, if you bothered to look at EVERYTHING instead of whatever you feel makes your case, you'd have move informed declarations. But, you don't, so you can't. You're just a whiny little bitch who thinks he's gonna be the next great leader or some stupid shit like that. I'm still waiting for your legal actions, junior. Go on. I dare you. I'd love to see you FALL ON YOUR FACE.

Well, your site still has incorrect release dates, and other not current information. Maybe a little less time on a forum, little more time on your site?

I've actually spoken to my lawyer, and the laywer he referred me too. Basically, I was told it wouldn't be worth the investment to begin a class action lawsuit, and to write off the money spent as it would be very difficult to recover, if it could be recovered at all.

You're a very hostile person towards someone who doesn't share your blind faith. I hope you learn to deal with your anger in some constructive way rather than typing in ALL CAPS on the Internet. <g>

BTW: Your page needs updating. Ever considered moving to a real hosting provider, rather than AOL? Well..strike that. Everyone knows AOL is the Internet. <g>


19 years, 1 month ago

I suggest you look again, son. All my Legion release dates are the days the stores got ‘em. Of course, you’re probably stupid enough to see the cover dates instead and completely bypass the other dates with your tunnel vision.

And I don't care about your disagreeing with me. Could give a shit less. It's you. How you present yourself. If your intent is to come off like a big dick you've succeeded.

Contact Paypal, get your refund, go back to avoiding message boards.

by revraven1

19 years, 1 month ago

Do you ever listen to yourself? You're talking like you're gonna band together and form some sort of anti Sebastien JLA and go hunt him down…

No, but I have gathered information and presenting it to my lawyer, and another lawyer recommended by him. Here in the real world, when someone's been defrauded they can seek legal recourse. Or atleast they can here in the US, I'm not familar with European law.

he'd have to have killed his site and forum to really complete the ‘stolen’ bit. And would he bother still talking to people if he was running off with their money? Stop your bias.

Well, the page has been oh so frequently updated..and the link to his message board has been removed….seems like vanishing to me! Open your eyes.

You're telling me that other companies don't take people's money and then disappoint? Don't you dare call me grotesquelt stupid. Companies take other people's money, and I can compare Kevin Smith and Sebastien Clavet as they work in the comic industry.

No, Smith works in the film industry, and he freelances in the comics industry. Clavet was attempting a career in the comics industry, and presumably went back to where ever it was he worked in previously. Smith is not a “comic writer” like Ed Brubaker, or Devin Greyson or Gale Simone. And apparently Clavet's not a EIC like Chris Ryall or Joe Q.

And don't you take that tone about fanfic writers, there's a lot of talent there and you'd alienate the people who write that stuff.

Teehee! I'll giggle about this to myself.

Funny, you could've fooled me. I'm also a customer, and I was satisfied with my comic. Despite delays.

We're not talking about the quality of the comic. We're talking about the hardcover. Try to keep up.

No information doesn't equal no product. Again, it looked at one time that ‘The Evil Men Do’ would never see completion… and news ran out about that until a compilation of the 3 parts gave a preview to the forth.

And TEMD was put on “hiatus” for several years, with it fully known that it wasn't going to come out soon. This supposed hardcover hasn't had any news update since Fall of ‘05 under the assumption it would ship soon, so it looks like it’s not going to be released. Plus you're trying to compare Marvel to 88, which again is like comparing Wal-Mart or Microsoft to a seller on eBay. It's not even the same sport, much less the same ballpark.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

A comic company is a comic company is a comic company.

And apparently Clavet's not a EIC like Chris Ryall or Joe Q.

They got to start somewhere, what's that about stumbling and falling before learning a lesson?

If anything, this is a life lesson for him should he try continue a comic thing in the future.

Go get your lawyer, go make a bigger fuss out of this and how you're whining. Surely Sony would have stepped in had there been any real problem. It is their product, after all.

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 1 month ago


you know your making a big deal over like 20 dollars right?


i hate seeing a forum go like this..just go do what you need to do RevRaven..

were all bummed about the hardcover and the comic…but a true fan wouldnt go and make a lawsuit over it….

but do what u need to…

by revraven1

19 years, 1 month ago

A comic company is a comic company is a comic company.

How small minded. All companies are not considered equal. A big company and a small company are not the same thing, and they do not play by the same rules.

Surely Sony would have stepped in had there been any real problem. It is their product, after all.

I find your lack of business knowledge amusing.

by sinister1

19 years, 1 month ago

You rat bastard!

You are one pathetic son of a bitch. You are attempting to bring down a guy, who pretty much single handedly revitalised Ghostbusters, no matter for how short a time, just becuase youre short of twenty dollars? You sicken me. Really. I cannot beleive that people like you actually exist. Because you cannot be bothered to wait, and be patient, you want to get low life lawyers inolved and file a law suit for God knows how much money JUST FOR YOU, because youre a greedy son of a bitch. You realise what you could be doing to that guy!?! Get a god damn clue, the only reason the comics are delayed is for financial reasons, that means that Mr Clavet is struggling. And you are sadistic enough to get him sent to court? You're a REAL nice person.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you what humanity has become, low life, money grabbing shits who care more about their own profit and wants then they do about the life of somebody else. Looks like when they were handing out morals, you were off trying to hustle a blind man!

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

How small minded. All companies are not considered equal. A big company and a small company are not the same thing, and they do not play by the same rules.

Frankly, at this point a comic company seems the same despite it's size… and they do play by the same rules. A book gets delayed, people complain and they try get it out as soon as possible.

And yes, the big guns also stumble and fall.

I find your lack of business knowledge amusing.

I'm no business expert, but I know Sony holds Ghostbusters in the respect of trying grab as much money from it, surely if they though Clavet was damaging it, they'd do something to stop him… especially if any money he supposedly takes, is intended for them.