GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios


18 years, 12 months ago

He claims to have ordered 5 copies and his money's too tight to take this sitting down. In retrospect, whose the dumbass who spent all the money he couldn't afford to have in virtual escrow?

by revraven1

18 years, 12 months ago

You rat bastard! You are one pathetic son of a bitch. You are attempting to bring down a guy, who pretty much single handedly revitalised Ghostbusters, no matter for how short a time, just becuase youre short of twenty dollars? You sicken me. Really. I cannot beleive that people like you actually exist. Because you cannot be bothered to wait, and be patient, you want to get low life lawyers inolved and file a law suit for God knows how much money JUST FOR YOU, because youre a greedy son of a bitch. You realise what you could be doing to that guy!?! Get a god damn clue, the only reason the comics are delayed is for financial reasons, that means that Mr Clavet is struggling. And you are sadistic enough to get him sent to court? You're a REAL nice person.

I gave $150 to Clavet for my copies of the book. I don't care if he's living in the dumpster, I paid for a product that hasn't been released, and most likely won't. So yes, I am persuing my options to get my money back. And since we were looking into a class action lawsuit, it would have hopefully got everyone's money back.

It's been nearly a year. I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of waiting without hearing what's going on. I want my product or my money back. If Clavet's struggling, then he should refund the money and be done with it. I don't want to wait until he's fiscally solvent enough (ie: saved enough money) to publish the books. Who knows when that would be? Another year? Two years? According to you, I should sit back and wait until Clavet's saved enough pennied to print what I purchased. That's insane.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you what humanity has become, low life, money grabbing shits who care more about their own profit and wants then they do about the life of somebody else. Looks like when they were handing out morals, you were off trying to hustle a blind man!

I don't give one shit about Clavet's personal life. He sold me a product, accepted my money and hasn't delivered anything. I wasn't giving him a handout or a donation. I wasn't buying stock in his company. I was buying a product that he claimed to be releasing.

I am more concerned with my money than his personal life. I don't care if it causes him problem, as he has caused me problems. All actions have consequences, and if he can't deal with the consequences then he shouldn't have defrauded all these people.

by sinister1

18 years, 12 months ago

Well hey, arent you a nice guy for that. If only there were more people like you in the world…

Oh wait! There are, that's why this planet's so screwed up!

Look, as people have TRIED to point out to you, if you want a refund, YOU CAN GET ONE!

So get the damn refund and do us all a favour and PISS OFF!

by revraven1

18 years, 12 months ago

He claims to have ordered 5 copies and his money's too tight to take this sitting down. In retrospect, whose the dumbass who spent all the money he couldn't afford to have in virtual escrow?

See, some of us who work…we save our money. I saved and did without other luxeries to afford the 5 copies of the book I ordered. I didn't have the option of having my mom order my books for me.

Either you don't work, are so wealthy that money isn't an object to you, or someone else purchased your books. As I said I am not wealthy, so $150 is a considerably sum to a working class stiff like me.


18 years, 12 months ago

I've been working since I was 12, and at the time I ordered my books I made significantly less than I do now which ain't all that much. But as I want my book and I loved the mini, I can afford PATIENCE. Get your money back and SOD OFF for f*cks sake. WE are sick of you, and bitching here AIN'T gonna help you worth a shit.

by revraven1

18 years, 12 months ago

Well hey, arent you a nice guy for that. If only there were more people like you in the world…

Oh wait! There are, that's why this planet's so screwed up!

Look, as people have TRIED to point out to you, if you want a refund, YOU CAN GET ONE!

So get the damn refund and do us all a favour and PISS OFF!

I've tried to get a refund, as I've tried to email Clavet. Clavet doesn't respond, and Paypal's slow to act.

by sinister1

18 years, 12 months ago

Why do you continue to come here? Nobody likes you. Nobody appreciated your comments…

As far as I'm aware we all pretty much think youre a greedy little shit who'd soon as kick a guy when hes down as step on a cockroach. Hell, even Bo Holbrook called you a greedy shit.

Take the hint. Really.

Get your refund and go.

EDIT: Take issue with paypal then, not the small company that could go bust and ruin a guys life.

by Kingpin

18 years, 12 months ago

I didn't have the option of having my mom order my books for me.

So you're now resorting to personal insults to win your argument?

How the hell did you ever get into Ghostbusters…

by revraven1

18 years, 12 months ago

Kingpin: I never make a personal insult. I just made a comment that wasn't directed towards anyone.

Ecto-1: Yeah yeah, go update your page.

Sinister: I'll take issue with the company who sold me the bogus product and with Paypal. Clavet's life isn't as important to me as my money is.

by sinister1

18 years, 12 months ago

Clavet's life isn't as important to me as my money is.

And with that statement you just proved my point.