GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios


19 years, 1 month ago

Next update's Wednesday. I invite you to check it out and GO F*CK YOURSELF.

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

Raven, you dumbf*ck.

You're singing the same old damn tune. Way to go. Play on, playa.

If you notice a while back, I wrote a fairly negative post outlining my frustruation (not w/ the lack of book, but w/ the lack of updates). But you know what I did after that? Tell ya what I DIDN'T do:

Post a bunch of repetative, unintelligent sh*t for no reason.

You want to talk to a lawyer? Now, keep in mind, I'm not saying this as an insult….you must quite literally be 15 years old or thicker than a wall. If you've actually spoken to an attorney, you know how much they charge. I have attorneys in my family that charge $500 for a phone conversation. And certainly no attorney worth a damn will run to a case with minimal returns such as this one.

This is the biggest problem w/ your ridonkulous, repetitive posts: quit crying lawsuit. Only makes you look like an ignorant f*ck.

Now, don't get me wrong….I'm as pissed as the next guy w/ the lack of info. But, like other similar abstract-thinkers, I realize that posting a bunch of nastiness on a message board won't get squat rolling. In fact, it'll piss a lot of people off, since they've heard the same crap from you a billion times before.

Seriously….what if I posted “i have two cats and a skateboard!” 27 times in one thread? Oh, sure, I could switch it up…..“i have a skateboard. AND TWO CATS!”

If you're having emotional trouble w/ the issue at hand, please, dude….keep it to you damn self. Bitch to a neighbor. Complain to your bus driver or lunch lady.

But damn…..leave this place alone. Or come w/ something new sometime.

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 1 month ago

RevRaven…basically…your the Walter Peck of this site…and you know that if u go through with this crap, u may screw everyone out of getting a hardcover

by pantshater24

19 years, 1 month ago

all i wanna know is why did you order 5 copies instead of just one? were you planning on ebaying them? if so, your nothing more than a money grubbing little peon who doesn't deserve to be on this site in any way shape or form. yes alot of people are upset with the delays, myself included, but we don't keep going on the site bashing sebastien. what he has done with the property was nothing short of excellence, and he's earned the right to be given the time he needs to finish this hardcover up properly. i support all the mods and anyone else on this site that would like to see you banned from ever posting again. all you have done is create a neagative vibe on this forum, and i for one am sick of it. so goodbye to you and never come back.

by akari909

19 years, 1 month ago

wow, what's going on here???? you ALL behave like silly chicks!!! bashing and insulting each other like fools! be careful or all your bad vibes will cause a new river of slime like in GB II! :-O

NONE of you guys covers with glory in the ongoing discussion, you only try to outdo each other with so-called good arguments! Go plant a tree or do some other useful stuff instead of acting like gamecocks.

If RevRaven is angry, well, so what? Let him vent his anger and he gets bored of complaining soon enough. You only add fuel to the flames if you try to force some wisdom on his mind.
And plz stop playing Sebastien's lawyer! Sebastien chose to withdraw from the discussion and left us all waiting - no wonder some people are getting rude. Patience is a rare gift these days. But Sebastien is not a fool, he probably knew that such a hibernation make some people going berserk - and he chose this path all the same.

So RELAX! No bashing but also no babysitting plz. Like Dumas' said: “All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope”. And have a fine hot cup of tea… (^_^)

So long,


by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 1 month ago

:-@ …god i REALLY DONT LIKE hippies…

you think you have the most superior f*cking ideas and that everyone elses are inferior to yours…

go f*ck yourself noob!

by fomeboy

19 years, 1 month ago

(*egon) *sigh*

by sinister1

19 years, 1 month ago

Now hang on. Let's not get violent to everybody. That's reserved for raven. I think we still have a certain amount of civilised spirit within us to not attack EVERYBODY.

by akari909

19 years, 1 month ago

Crossing the Streams
:-@ …god i REALLY DONT LIKE hippies…

you think you have the most superior f*cking ideas and that everyone elses are inferior to yours…

go f*ck yourself noob!

hold on, I don't get your point… what are you talking about?? I'm not a hippy, I'm just a woman - and you do not behave in gentleman like manner. I didn't talk about any superior or inferior stuff, I'm not Darwin. Why do you use such insulting words? Go get yourself some training in communication.
It frightens me that some Gb-fans show so much aggressive behaviour…


19 years, 1 month ago

Don't go to GBHQ then…