GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago


Hm…I had a damn fine argument, thanks very much.

No gamecokery for this guy.

by muthapussbucket1

19 years, 1 month ago

Hey everybody…

Wow, that was a big ol waste of breath from all of us, I think. Red Raven, you might want to try PMing Seb, he might reply…though I'd not mention a lawsuit. (Feel free to, it's your call) Anyhow, he's spoken to me sometime within the last week and I am confident that we will be given an update. Am I upset it too so long? Yes. I know you're upset, but I'm confused what you expect any of us to do? Is it agreement? Do you just want us to agree with you? Would that really make you feel better? If we all nodded and said, you'reabsolutely right! Well, we don't, we disagree. Feel free to take it up with Seb, but we'll just have to agree to disagree.

by akari909

19 years, 1 month ago

Don't go to GBHQ then…

Well, I'm almost off. I just tried to point out how silly it is to bash each other for… well, nothing at all. Maybe it's a cultural thing… I'm not an American nor is English my mother tongue. I don't know if I used some words that have special connotations for you which are unknown to me. Maybe using offensive language is the American way of talking with each other, maybe you think it to be cool… Well, I do not appreciate it, I rather prefer diplomatic discussions, politeness and a good sense of humor. But in this forum you feel more like in a fighting arena - if you really enjoy this competition - go fetch your clubs and have fun.

oh, and Ecto-1… forgive me my naivity by assuming that the GB fans here could be humorous, friendly people. I now am enlightened that you rather slam the door in front of somebody than inviting him/her in.

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago


You also have to appreciate the context of the situation at hand…..there's an excess of negativity circulating around this particular topic, so coming in and calling names (regardless of the “seriousness” of the aforementioned names) will likely be followed by returned bad vibes.

In other words, calling folks “silly chicks,” “fools,” or “gamecocks” will get nothing but insults in return. True enough, when you use the above names, they may be countered with names like “assface.” But the point remains: come in with little sucker-punches, and receive them forthwith.

by akari909

19 years, 1 month ago


In other words, calling folks “silly chicks,” “fools,” or “gamecocks” will get nothing but insults in return. True enough, when you use the above names, they may be countered with names like “assface.” But the point remains: come in with little sucker-punches, and receive them forthwith.

You're quite right!
I do not think that anybody of you guys IS a chick or fool. But they behaved like fools with no manners and that's what I wanted to point out. Therefore I wrote the little but important words “like a…” before these names. Unfortunately, such small words are often overlooked by others. But well, sorry if anybody felt abused.

However, the whole discussion got so offensive, it's not funny anymore. It's rather sad. If already the community is like that, I don't want to imagine what Sebastien has to go through when facing SONY!

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

Don't you accuse me of oversight, chica. Bottom line: come in w/ attitude, get it right back atcha.

How's about this:

“You're acting like a condescending pain in the ass?”

Note the “like a.” Totally innocent….I wash my hands of the potential insult.

by akari909

19 years, 1 month ago

I'm fine with it if that's what you think. It's not a fact, it's your point of view. And a point of view is no eternal truth but always relative… and I didn't accused you of overlooking, but the guy who told me the lovely f-word a frequent times probably got me wrong. Nevertheless you're right I was too harsh myself.

well, let's stop being raisin poopers (*pray, let it be the right translation for what I want to say*)..

by spengs1

19 years, 1 month ago

If it helps, (though doubtful) I actually saw Seb logged into his board, ( today. It seems he made some changes to his board and as I said he was on his own site earlier. So maybe an update is coming, I don't know.

I'm not going to add really any more of my 2 bucks or more into this whole discussion. I said my “peace” on weaverhall. The days are passing, time is ticking.

I will use this opportunity to tell some of you in this thread to use your time on a message board to post more for why we're into GBs in the first place. Or another side of the fan base. It just so happens I know of such a message board! Wow, would you believe that? :p


19 years, 1 month ago

Um, all I meant was if you don't wanna experience GB negativity to avoid that message board. That's the HOME of negativity right there.

by sinister1

19 years, 1 month ago

Akari, I'd like to apologise for the onslaught you recieved and welcome you to the board.

This debate has been going on for over a year. And at first, indiviudals like myself and Kingpin were VERY diplomatic in trying to calm people down. But after a year of people being negative and ignoring you, for someone like this raven guy to come on, insult someone who you know to be nice, and to threaten legal action… people tend to snap. I know I did, and to be honest, I'm not prepared to go back to diplomatic discussion with him. He lost all right to that when he claimed he didnt care about Mr Clavet's life.

However, the aggression towards you was totally unwarrented. I do hope you stay with us, and won't be put off by the events within this thread, that would be a total shame. I can assure you that this website is not normally like that. (Ghostbusters HQ however… is).