GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by akari909

19 years, 1 month ago

Thank you so much, Sinister.

I didn't know that the complaining of RevRaven starts so long ago.. that somehow explains the feedback he received.

Didn't he mentioned Sony somewhere? I have a nice little story about the reliability of Sony: I live in Germany and all people who pre-ordered Sony'S PSP before its release on September 1st last year got a gift coupon for a free Spiderman 2 UMD. On the evening of the release day, I registered at the official Sony PSP site to get my copy of the UMD… well… and I'm still waiting for it! There is a huge discussion on Sony forums ‘coz somehow Sony screwed it up. The majority of people haven’t got the UMD and Sony just ignores the whole topic. At least some people got up to 5 (!) UMDs.
So much for huge companies who know how business works, eh?!

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

and you do not behave in gentleman like manner. I didn't talk about any superior or inferior stuff, I'm not Darwin. Why do you use such insulting words? Go get yourself some training in communication.
It frightens me that some Gb-fans show so much aggressive behaviour…

I'm afraid to say that you'll find the entire internet is like that, every board will have an argument like this… and coming in part way through won't help matters…

oh, and Ecto-1… forgive me my naivity by assuming that the GB fans here could be humorous, friendly people. I now am enlightened that you rather slam the door in front of somebody than inviting him/her in.

Usually, we are humourous and friendly, but this isn't the best example of one of the treads on this board.


19 years, 1 month ago


by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 1 month ago

I would like to second what Sinister said, I know its unnecessary, but I want to show that there are more nice people here on the board than there are hateful antagonists.

I too welcome you to the boards and apologize for the way you were treated when you came in. and yes, its true that GBHQ is FULL of this sort of thing, is FAR more friendly than they are over there.

Welcome aboard!
-Mick Nielson, heart of the Tampa Ghostbusters


19 years, 1 month ago

Which's basically what I said about it but taken as something else.

by akari909

19 years, 1 month ago

it's okay guys, I was also a little bit too harsh in my first post concerning this matter. unfortunately, I know a great deal of other forums where some people just bash and flame. you can get really sick of this. however, you also meet a lot of cool and nice people and that's the good part of it.

and Ecto-1: I now understand what you meant, but got it somehow wrong at the beginning.

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

What about me?

I was chivalrous as f*ck.


by fusi0n1

19 years, 1 month ago

I was chivalrous as f*ck.
And don't forget charming and oh, so modest.

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

Holy crap, I think the boards experienced a Class 5 full roaming drama. Real nasty one, too. :-@

Movie quotes aside, we're all waiting for the same thing, and I hate to see fans tear at each other in frustration. I've said my say a billion times over, so there's not much to add.

I think the majority of us are good people here. It's just been frustrating.

This section has a billion posts of wanting the same thing: Updated news or the book. I'm just glad we've gotten SOME alternate topics, like Fomeboy's UK cover gallery, or the RGB trade.

Maybe the focus of this section needs to drift away from what ISN'T happening (news or any immediate release of the book), to things that ARE happening (like a second volume of the RGB comics). They're old stories, but I'd rather read about something besides a bunch of grumps griping about something we're all aware of. Helloooooooo, Captain Obvious! We're aware the book isn't out yet.

Until we hear something (the rumblings I've read as this Wednesday a possible update? Is this true?), maybe we can focus on the artists, or the RGB stories in the meantime. At this point, all of our hands are tied. Sucks, but it is what it is.

Said it in an earlier post: Don't embarrass everyone with hollow death threats and lawsuits that when it comes down to it, you likely aren't going to do, and don't have the resources to back it up. Settle. Not said in a harsh way, but in a reality check. Don't make being foolish intentional with a hastily worded post that people will jump on. The internet creates enough loudmouths out of usually quiet people. It's too open an opportunity to bash a foolish comment.

Something's gotta happen or change or this section is going to rip itself apart. Focus on the RGB stuff for now. At least it's something new that's coming.

by fomeboy

19 years, 1 month ago

I'm just glad we've gotten SOME alternate topics, like Fomeboy's UK cover gallery