GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

I don't want this to sound like excuse making… but maybe what he had to type was longer then the time he could type it in?

Like, for instance, you have to do five things on your lunch break and view the net… same thing's happened to me, I try scrunch in viewing the boards in at say, a ten minute space at College… I have to foresake any posting… or any detailed posting until a better window opens.

Though, with that said… I'll admit that it was possible detrimental in posting the note that there'd be an update, instead of the update itself. (*winston)

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

Agreed. That's the best way of putting it.

by muthapussbucket1

19 years, 1 month ago

Hey, look at that! I was optimistic about the whole thing, and it seems to be turning into a much better deal! He's talking signed Lithos and MORE comics.

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

I'm sure everyone got the e-mail.

The message was all he ever had to do: Just say the cost was more than expected, and the orders were lower as such.

Not to mention the licensing issues with GM. I love the classic car, but if something new has to be introduced to get the ball rolling again, then maybe the guys can trade in the car for a new clunker.

A real update. The cloud of confusion has faded away.

Still no release date, but the update gives some substantial background on the last few months.

It is… a decent start.

Though the natives are starting to get ugly at Weaver Hall….

by muthapussbucket1

19 years, 1 month ago

I resent that. My mother says I'm a very handsome gentleman.

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

SpookCentral from Weaver Hall does make some interesting points though in regards to the lithographs. This is where it looks like we're at with all of this:

If we buy the lithographs (which I think people would do) and this works to get enough money for Sebastien, it's the only forseeable way that we're going to be seeing the hardcover anytime in the near future. We get a nice piece of art, and we'll finally get the book. It's the fundraiser we always talked about we'd be willing to do, so here it is.

If this doesn't work, the lithos are printed, and not enough are sold, then that's more money lost towards getting the book out in the forseeable future.

On top of that, we may or may not get the iconic version of Ecto-1 which has always been a part of the series in all media since 1984. It will be comparable to having new Back to the Future media sans the DeLorean.

Basically, the book's future, and the possibility of getting it sooner than whenever, will depend on our willingness to buy the lithos, and a possible compromise the Caddy style Ecto.

It's an interesting point.

And then Spookcentral just had to go scream “potential lawsuit”. *shakes head* He could have voiced the above stuff as a potential concern, and left it as that. Nothing is set in stone on what's going to happen, and Seb is throwing out an option to see how willing we'd be to give more (and get a litho for the effort), or what we're willing to compromise.

Speaking for myself, I want to get more normal updates like that. People need to quite screaming irrationalities, or we're likely going to get squat again.

From my standpoint to those people: Stop it. Now.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Well, in Paul's eye (SpookCentral), he's already been annoyed by the number of covers that were produced… can't exactly fault him when he feels that it's ‘yet another comic cover’ instead of the HC.

Though, with that said, you're right, this is the ‘fund raiser’…

Heh, once again it's up to us to make it or break it.

Makes me wonder if I should have voted for Scheme #1 concerning the lithos now…


19 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, people were offering financial support for a while now…well, here's their chance! PLUS! We get something for DONATING too! It's a win/win, really.

by akari909

19 years, 1 month ago

hm, actually I haven't seen such litho-things in reality yet, how do they look like? Like sketches or posters or wallpapers?


19 years, 1 month ago

They're like posters printed on a higher quality glossy paper. Sometimes they're also a little thicker than standard posters.