GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

Back to the lithos.

I still think we should get all-new artwork, and I'd like to see it based off or inspired by scenes in the movie.

Scenes I'd like:

* The boys running into the library ghost.
* The boys setting up the firehouse.
* Dana discovering Zuul in her fridge.
* Venkman getting slimed by Slimer.
* The boys capturing Slimer in the hotel dining room.
* The boys coming out of the hotel room after capturing Slimer.
* Dana getting possessed.
* Peter meeting Dana after she becomes Zuul.
* The Terror Dog chasing Louis.
* The boys running as the containment unit explodes.
* The boys recovering from the ground collapse.
* The boys looking on as Dana and Louis are turned into Terror Dogs.
* The boys getting blasted by Gozer.
* Mr. Stay Puft terrorizing the streets of New York (Godzilla syle, of course).
* The boys blasting Mr. Stay-Puft.
* The aftermath of Mr. Stay-Puft as the boys recover from marshmallow glop.
* Group/ensemble shot of everyone walking out of the Dana/Louis' apartment complex like at the end of the movie.

Just a few ideas to toss out, and none of the scenes would really require the use of the Ecto-1 to keep costs down. I'd even settle for a few choices of GB2 as well.

My two cents. I'd pay for something like that.

by muthapussbucket1

19 years, 1 month ago

I want Peter in Dana's apartment, man. I LOVE that scene.

I'd also like a nice shot of Egon outside the firehouse with Janine when Louis arrives in a straightjacket. It'd look nice.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

* The boys running into the library ghost.
* The boys setting up the firehouse.
* Dana discovering Zuul in her fridge.
* Venkman getting slimed by Slimer.
* The boys capturing Slimer in the hotel dining room.
* The boys coming out of the hotel room after capturing Slimer.
* Dana getting possessed.
*Peter meeting Dana after she becomes Zuul.
* The Terror Dog chasing Louis.
* The boys running as the containment unit explodes.
* The boys recovering from the ground collapse.
* The boys looking on as Dana and Louis are turned into Terror Dogs.
* The boys getting blasted by Gozer.
* Mr. Stay Puft terrorizing the streets of New York (Godzilla syle, of course).
* The boys blasting Mr. Stay-Puft.
* The aftermath of Mr. Stay-Puft as the boys recover from marshmallow glop.
* Group/ensemble shot of everyone walking out of the Dana/Louis' apartment complex like at the end of the movie.

Some good one there, a few of mine:

* The three Ghostbusters when they appeared in their self made advert.
* The Firehouse as the ECU erupts
* Ecto-1s tearing out of the Firehouse
* The film poster (Featuring Bill, Dan and Harold)
* The guys as they've just discovered the library ghost (Including ghost)

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

Also good would be:

* Peck getting covered in marshmallow goop.
* Egon and Janine studying Louis/Vinz Clortho in the firshouse.
* Ray's encounter with the female ghost over his bed.
* Winston's induction to the Ghostbusters.
* Venkman doing his psychic studies on the college kids.

Just a couple of noteworthy scenes. I hope Sebastien will see this, seeing as how I can't currently get into Weaver Hall at the moment.

I'm not banned, or anything, I….


I don't know why I can't get in, really.

by muthapussbucket1

19 years, 1 month ago

I can get in.

I think we should just give Winston the cover.

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

I think Sebastien is trying to help me resolve the issue.

He sent me a PM regarding that.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Someone else had problems logging in… I think it might be when those boards were resetting and you had to reactivate your account… I think.

by GuyCC

19 years, 1 month ago

Sebastien got me in, so it's all good in the hood.

by Johannes

19 years ago

After many reservations considering how long it's taken, I finally decided to reserve the hardcover book. Graham Crackers said that they ran out, but due to retracted orders or something they still have a limited supply of reservations available. I ordered three of the hardcovers.

Well, I just hope it comes out sometime soon, and that I didn't make a mistake. I haven't read the Legion comics yet. To be honest, I'm so stuck in the old Real Ghostbusters stuff that I never bothered to order them (no comic stores around here) online.

by GuyCC

19 years ago

That's probably part of the delay problems. People got annoyed with waiting so long without getting any sort of updates and pulled their orders.

Who knows? Maybe Seb should do one more push with the books in various comic, GB and even ‘80’s nostalgia fan forums saying something like “Hey! Only 172 (or whatever) copies left of the book! Click here to order!” Maybe that could be one of those financial pushes to get the book out sooner.

My two pesos, anyway.