Are you buddies with Sebastien, or do you just know something we don't?
Heh… if only, if we had a broadband connection to Sebastien's brain we'd probably be able to put some fears to rest…
18 years, 9 months ago
Are you buddies with Sebastien, or do you just know something we don't?
18 years, 9 months ago
18 years, 9 months ago
I was reasonably okay with the delays until Sebastien announced that he's going into hiding and cut off all links of communication to him (including that one “Contact” link he said he'd leave open on his site).
I have lost interest in what his excuses or rationales or hurt feelings may be, but hiding is most definitely not the answer. In fact, that's the worst thing he could have possibly done.
18 years, 9 months ago
18 years, 9 months ago
18 years, 9 months ago
KingpinI could be wrong, but I don't think he ever said that option would remain around while he wasn't.
From the 88MPH site:
-Contact Updated
February 19th, 2006
Due to increasing junk emails and spam we changed all of our email accounts so if you wish to contact us please use the Contact Us Form below.
We apologize for any inconveniences and appreciate your understanding. Thank you.
He suggests any correspondence through the “Contact Us” link below, but it goes to a 404. So the only available “open” avenue is closed off as well.
Makes you wonder when the website itself goes down/away next.
As I said, it's not just the fans, but some professionals invested money to help him along with his repeated troubles and they've been outed of their money too. I got this directly from a credible source.
It's likely he spent the money on personal needs, and thought more money would come in to cover the expenses when it came book publishing time. It didn't, so he's trying to raise money again. Hence the lithograph idea.
I'm glad he's “not focusing on the boards to publish this book” (for as little as he's posted in the last few months anyway). My opinion thinks he should do one of these choices:
1.) Give us something, and just publish a softcover with all the hardcover extras included. At this point, I'm willing to accept that.
2.) Suck it up and take out a business loan. His personal expenses weren't our concern the first time, and he needs to stop offering the run-around and the hiding out, and just deliver the product. He should have invested the money from everybody where it needed to go in the first place: publishing the book. It's pretty obvious that's not where the money went, and what of the money made from the single issues? One of my friends works in the comics biz. Publishing is expensive, but it's not in the hunderd thousands/millions bracket. We're talking about 1,000 books. As he continues to hide out, people are going to keep cancelling. How many have now? How far does this continue to lessen the chance of this book ever being published? Who would be willing to continue buying product from him after this? I'd never pre-order items from his company again, that's for sure.
3.) Let someone else handle the license, like Image or Dynamite Entertainment. If there's any money left, give it to a company who can publish the book and cover the Ecto-1 licensing expenses. He's a football player who scores a great catch, runs with it, and drops it before he crosses the goal. Almost isn't as good as completing to the end. I bring up TRON often, but if someone else hadn't picked it up, it wouldn't have happened under his direction. The ongoing GB series is not going to happen ias long as 88MPH runs the business like this. All we're ever going to see from that is the three preview covers.
I thought it was cool a small company would get so involved with the fans. I thought it was admirable that he owned up there was a problem and that things could have been done better. But his disappearing announcement and finding out that not just the fans got stiffed when they tried to help him realize this book…. I've lost respect for him, and any desire to defend his further actions. It's like watching a train wreck. You know it could have been avoided, and there's still time to switch tracks or back up, but it plows forward anyway to the inevitible crash.
He could straighten this whole mess up, but he's given no indication that he's going to address this problem in a realistic manner.
We can go around to the end of time, but praising or condemning him isn't going to solve the issue.
Sucks being so negative/realistic about this situation.
18 years, 9 months ago
18 years, 9 months ago
18 years, 9 months ago
But I still wish someone would pick up the reigns of the comic and continue it. I don't think 88MPH can/will.
18 years, 9 months ago
But I still wish someone would pick up the reigns of the comic and continue it. I don't think 88MPH can/will.
If they can get the creative team behind it while dumping the businessman, the series would be in good shape.