GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by sinister1

18 years, 8 months ago

We need to remember that Sebastian isn't just publishing his own work. He's publishing Sony's work. Sony are big time players. They will not let him screw anyone.

Stop being dramatic and threatening a law suit. Trust me IF the time comes when one is needed, SONY will be the ones doing the lawsuit and it would be more effective than any one of us could manage.

I personally think the hardcover is coming. Seb isn't a total idiot.

It's publish, or face the wrath of Sony.

So chill. Without any action from you, the book will either hit the shelves, or Sony will squash 88mph.

by mastersplinter

18 years, 8 months ago

As I recall, neither Disney nor Hasbro did anything about the unreleased books and unfulfilled orders 88mph were boasting back in the day (Tron and Transformers respectively), what makes you think that Sony will be any different?

88mph paid for the license. That's the Sony involvement. People can do what they want with a license (so long as it adhere's to the license itself and doesnt break any contracts - such as the likeness of the actors - therein). If a book doesn't come out, then it's money wasted on the publisher's behalf and ours.

by Buckaroobwana

18 years, 8 months ago

We need to remember that Sebastian isn't just publishing his own work. He's publishing Sony's work. Sony are big time players. They will not let him screw anyone.

Stop being dramatic and threatening a law suit. Trust me IF the time comes when one is needed, SONY will be the ones doing the lawsuit and it would be more effective than any one of us could manage.

I personally think the hardcover is coming. Seb isn't a total idiot.

It's publish, or face the wrath of Sony.

So chill. Without any action from you, the book will either hit the shelves, or Sony will squash 88mph.

First of all, I'm not being dramatic. I was trying to be as rational as possible. I'm not frothing at the mouth here. I have yet to even cancel my order with Graham Cracker.

You personally think the HC is coming? Are you completely detached from reality? Are you so blind in your devotion to Clavet that you cannot see the truth, that the HC is finished?

Sony doesn't care one way or another. They already made their money when Clavet paid the lisencing fee. The loss of a few dollars from a comic based on a property they aren't interested in isn't going to upset them.

And if you read my post carefully, I wasn't threatening a lawsuit. I was bringing up the possibility as one way to see this resolved. As I see it, there are only 2 ways:
1. Clavet publishes the hardcover (We know this isn't happening)
2. Legal action is taken to force 88MPH to refund customers' money
The time has come for something to be done. I'm not sure if any legal action is appropriate, or if it even would be cost effective. I wanted to see input from the rest of us on where we (as a group) should go from here and to see just how far Clavets' supporters will go to defend him. Face it, Clavet failed on the hardcover and as a result, we lost any chance at an ongoing series. Clavet has gone from being the man who revived the Ghostbusters franchise to the man who hammered the final nail in the coffin.
A small part of me hopes to God Clavet can pull it off by years' end, but I'm not holding my breath.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Enough statements that Clavet killed the Ghostbusters franchise! It was not his responsibility despite the comments he made to revive it fully, the responsibility was equally on the shoulders of IBooks and NECA and the responsibility is also laid on Sony's shoulders.

Yes, Clavet had an obligation to put the product out and furfill his customers' rights but he was never once charged with ensuring the survival of the franchise.

We did a damn good job carrying it on before he came along and we'll continue to do so long after the whole bad affair has passed into memory.

As I recall, neither Disney nor Hasbro did anything about the unreleased books and unfulfilled orders 88mph were boasting back in the day (Tron and Transformers respectively), what makes you think that Sony will be any different?

88mph paid for the license. That's the Sony involvement. People can do what they want with a license (so long as it adhere's to the license itself and doesnt break any contracts - such as the likeness of the actors - therein). If a book doesn't come out, then it's money wasted on the publisher's behalf and ours.

Why would they pursue those books? Indications suggest Clavet cancelled Tron 2.0 on his own executive decision and he got Genesis out, the only reason that book seemed to have any problem was because orders exceeded the books published.

by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago


Betcha anything the book comes out.

Besides, back when he was actually around he said that Sony would be on his back if he didn't deliver so…

by Hawkangel

18 years, 7 months ago

Wow. Is Clavet paying you mods to speak on his behalf?
If he doesn't deliver, then you guys are going to look awfully stupid.

by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago

I take offence at that. No, he isn't.

I can't help it that I happen to have a lot of faith in people and am confident that the book will come out. Plus on the legal side of things, he really has to publish it.

by fomeboy

18 years, 7 months ago

Wow. Is Clavet paying you mods to speak on his behalf?
If he doesn't deliver, then you guys are going to look awfully stupid.



18 years, 7 months ago

Wow. Were you born a dick or did it take a lot of practice?

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Wow. Is Clavet paying you mods to speak on his behalf?
If he doesn't deliver, then you guys are going to look awfully stupid.

Pay me to tell people to stop saying he killed the franchise?

No he isn't, I'm saying it because it's plain rediculous to claim he's killed the franchise. The community has existed and carried things on without him and it will continue to do so.