GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by heslimedme251

18 years, 7 months ago

Wow. Is Clavet paying you mods to speak on his behalf?
If he doesn't deliver, then you guys are going to look awfully stupid.

Pay me to tell people to stop saying he killed the franchise?

No he isn't, I'm saying it because it's plain rediculous to claim he's killed the franchise. The community has existed and carried things on without him and it will continue to do so.

Good Call! I'm with you on this one…he hasn't killed the franchise. He brought it into the limelight again for a brief moment and then he left it. He didn't kill it, people aren't saying that Ghostbusters is crap due to the fact that they couldn't keep a comic book going. Alot of my good friends are talking more about it since the comic came out, they don't care about this little ordeal! I still keep the faith and hope that eventually we recieve the hardcover, but till then at least we have the four that were released!

-J. :-)

by fomeboy

18 years, 7 months ago

Wow. Were you born a dick or did it take a lot of practice?


by GuyCC

18 years, 7 months ago

Clavet didn't kill the Ghostbusters franchise. He doesn't and will never have that kind of power.

I still like Ghostbusters just as much as I did before this whole fiasco.

He couldn't do TRON, so Slave Labor Graphics picked it up and have published the first issue back in May.

Will the book come out? I honestly don't know, and I'm just kind of “over it” (haven't cancelled my order yet, though). If it comes out, cool. But my excitement for it's diminished greatly.

I'd be surprised if anything ever comes out of 88MPH publishing past this, though. I think this will be the final swan song for that company.

If people were on Clavet's “payroll”, don't you think at least they would have a copy of the book by now? There has to be prototypes, you know.

People are more supportive than others. The mods by default are going to be pro-GB, hence the position. Settle down. Baseless accusations don't help.

by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago

Seb doesn't have anyone on his payroll any more. He's simply trying to get the stuff he already has printed in a differnt form. It's just him and his phone line to a third party printing company…

by mastersplinter

18 years, 7 months ago

Isn't he the advisor for a comic printing company?

by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago

Isn't he the advisor for a comic printing company?

He IS 88mph Studios.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Last record he was working at a printing firm, although I'm not sure it is of any position that would benefit the book other the additional funds, probably.

by Hawkangel

18 years, 7 months ago

I take offence at that. No, he isn't.

I can't help it that I happen to have a lot of faith in people and am confident that the book will come out. Plus on the legal side of things, he really has to publish it.

Well firstly, I'm sorry that I offended you.
I take offense at a couple of things, - playing for something and then someone not delivering it is one of them.

Wow. Were you born a dick or did it take a lot of practice?

This is one of the other things.

Pay me to tell people to stop saying he killed the franchise?

Second, I never metioned anything about him killing the franchise, so no reason why people are getting their kinickers in a twist over this.
If you do think he killed the franchise, then I believe you should take it up with Sony.
All I'm saying is, if he doesn't deliver, then you guys that are defending him so wildly will have egg on your faces.

by Para-psychology_doc

18 years, 7 months ago

Not you, that other guy that said “putting the final nail in the franchise's coffin”, and to him… that statement must have been what confused us. Please fill us in on what you REALLY meant, because our understanding is that statement implies you killed something.


18 years, 7 months ago

Good, I'm glad you were f*cking offended seeing as you f*cking offended several different members of the board who have been around a helluva lot longer than you. Me being one of them.

Or, did you think we'd LIKE being accused of being on the take as a reason for our continued optimism?

You wanna show your disdain for the situation, fine. Everyone's welcome to do so in a CIVILIZED MANNER. But when you start directing it at fellow fans, fans whose only intent is to keep the boards peaceful and reassuring, that's when there's trouble.