GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by gjustis1

18 years, 7 months ago

I love you all.

And the goodamn book isn't out yet.


And civilized!

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Just for the record, I wasn't hitting Hawkangel for a claim that Clavet killing the franchise, that was a childish claim by Buckaroobwana.

I was simply stating the reason I was acting the way i was recently was because that was such a moronic claim to make.

by Buckaroobwana

18 years, 7 months ago

Just for the record, I wasn't hitting Hawkangel for a claim that Clavet killing the franchise, that was a childish claim by Buckaroobwana.

I was simply stating the reason I was acting the way i was recently was because that was such a moronic claim to make.

And you call me childish?

Let me clarify. Until the comic book from 88MPH, Ghostbusters was, for all intents and purposes, a dead franchise. Granted, it does have a vibrant and devoted fan community, but XGB was long gone, one of the major book store chains refused to carry the novel (citing the fact that GB is a dead property)and RGB showed no signs of any season set DVD releases.

Along comes Clavet and 88MPH. The fan community gets very excited. The comic book sells so well at outset that an ongoing series is planned, posters and other merchandise are offered as possibilities and it's a good time to be a Ghostbusters fan again.

Fast forward to today. The GB Legion miniseries was plagued by excessive delays, the long promised hardcover will never see print, and the promised ongoing series is now an out-of-reach dream. Of all of it, I'm most disappointed with the cancellation of the ongoing. Dozens of GB tales we'll never get.

Is all of this Clavets' fault? No. NECA could've tried harder to get the series 2 figures of the main characters to market, but the fact is that Clavets' inability to produce a product his customers paid for has resulted in the end of any possibility of an ongoing series and the growth of this franchise (growth that started so well) has now been stopped dead in it's tracks.
RGB, cancelled and still waiting for season sets on DVD
XGB, gone probably forever
RGB comic cancelled years ago
No chance whatsoever for GB3
No NECA action figures of the boys themselves
No new novels
No ongoing series from 88MPH
No promised hardcover Legion collected edition
Let's face it, Ghostbusters was a dead franchise whose revival was in progress and gaining momentum, and the Legion hardcover fiasco brought it to a crashing halt. Clavet didn't kill the franchise, but he hammered the final nail in the coffin.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel however. WizKids just might produce a Ghostbusters collectors set for their new Horrorclix game. And who knows? Clavet might be able to pull off a miracle and publish the hardcover after all. I'm waiting until the end of the year and if I haven't heard anything, I'll go ahead and cancel my order with Graham Cracker.

I love Ghostbusters and want only the best for the franchise and it's fans. I just hope Clavet can get his act together. If he can, we might see an all new revival.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

It is unrealistic to charge one man alone with reviving a franchise when there's a whole slate of officially licenced products, and it's even more unrealistic and downright unfair to charge the man of killing the franchise when almost every one of those products has had failure in some way, shape of form.

I didn't chose my words well but the point stands. Sebastien Clavet never killed the Ghostbusters franchise, he never had that type of power.

Let me clarify. Until the comic book from 88MPH, Ghostbusters was, for all intents and purposes, a dead franchise. Granted, it does have a vibrant and devoted fan community, but XGB was long gone, one of the major book store chains refused to carry the novel (citing the fact that GB is a dead property)and RGB showed no signs of any season set DVD releases.

Along comes Clavet and 88MPH. The fan community gets very excited. The comic book sells so well at outset that an ongoing series is planned, posters and other merchandise are offered as possibilities and it's a good time to be a Ghostbusters fan again.

Okay, you mentioned the comic and briefly mentioned the novel series, there was also a set of very well sculpted figures from NECA, plastic model kit from Polar Lights and a diecast metal car from ERTL.

Is all of this Clavets' fault? No. NECA could've tried harder to get the series 2 figures of the main characters to market, but the fact is that Clavets' inability to produce a product his customers paid for has resulted in the end of any possibility of an ongoing series and the growth of this franchise (growth that started so well) has now been stopped dead in it's tracks.

That's also a little unfair to say of NECA seeing as we don't know the actual reason… popular belief is they either didn't try or that Bill Murray killed the idea. And Clavet's sins aside, it doesn't negate a Ghostbusters comic in the future… IDW picked up Transformers after Dreamwave went bust and SLG picked up Tron.

Clavet didn't kill the franchise, but he hammered the final nail in the coffin.

And I still feel that's sensationalism. If he'd been in charge of all of the products then he'd have dealt the final nail, but franky Sony's to blame for letting the franchise stagnate for so long and not paying it any proper attention.

Ghostbusters? I thought they settled on Aliens Vs Predator.

Clavet might be able to pull off a miracle and publish the hardcover after all. I'm waiting until the end of the year and if I haven't heard anything, I'll go ahead and cancel my order with Graham Cracker.

We can hope…

I love Ghostbusters and want only the best for the franchise and it's fans. I just hope Clavet can get his act together. If he can, we might see an all new revival.

Wouldn't we all.

It's completely fair to say the Legion fiasco has scuppered things, but the problem that's affected the franchise is a many faceted thing to which the comic is only one facet…

by Para-psychology_doc

18 years, 7 months ago

you know what? I have a few words for you, pal…

I am sick to death of people continuing to say the franchise is dead. Its NOT DEAD AS LONG AS THERE IS A FANBASE!

We are still one of the largest fanbases around today and it really doesnt matter at all wether or not theres new things coming out, but if you wanna play that card, fine. If you would take the time to look back, there has been new things coming out for Ghostbusters steadily. The 1st movie, then the animated series, the second movie, the animated series went on a bit longer, then the universal studios attractions, merchandice came out, the RGB comics have been coming out for a long time as well. Then we got Extreme Ghostbusters, after that came the ibooks, then the NEca toys, then 88PMPH comic. I dont think thats a dead franchise my friend.

and on top of all that, WE have continued the legacy of this franchise since the beginning with Norm,till now with GBI still in full swing. I dont care what YOUR views are, your welcome to them, but in OUR hearts and minds, Ghostbusters is FAR from dead and will remain very much alive as long as we, the fans stay loyal to it. Stop trying to argue your point, because obviously nobody agrees with it.

by Hawkangel

18 years, 7 months ago

Good, I'm glad you were f*cking offended seeing as you f*cking offended several different members of the board who have been around a helluva lot longer than you. Me being one of them..

Obviously I struck a nerve.
I was unware that this board was a elite club where people who have been around longer abuse the people that are newbies.
I wouldn't take that attitude with the newer members if I were you, otherwise, people will start accusing YOU my friend the one that killed the Ghostbusters franchise. LOL!

BTW, as far as I know this guys post breaches the rules of this board.
I would expect the mods to act accordingly.

Or, did you think we'd LIKE being accused of being on the take as a reason for our continued optimism?

You wanna show your disdain for the situation, fine. Everyone's welcome to do so in a CIVILIZED MANNER. But when you start directing it at fellow fans, fans whose only intent is to keep the boards peaceful and reassuring, that's when there's trouble

I don't believe you're one to talk to me about discussing things in a civilised manner. Not after your last post. At any rate, I go back to my original statement : If the book doesn't come out, then those here that are defending Seb so wildly will have egg on their faces.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Contrary to Ecto-1's words of the moment, we do not throw our seniority around here. We've been down that alley and it was not pretty.

I realise Ecto's comment is harshly worded and may even be technically breaking the rules… I don't want to be accused of cronyism of playing favourites but it'd be a major issue if he did it all the time… and who hasn't sworn or slashed out when annoyed in the heat of the moment.

Anyway… if you guys do have a problem, I recommend you conduct a discussion through instant messenger… private message or email.

by gjustis1

18 years, 7 months ago


“Egg on faces”…..I love that imagery.

Until Sony wakes up and makes a new film (which is inevitable), the GB franchise simply stagnates. Sad but ultimately true.

Let's not rag on the guy for bitching, but let's also stop the whole “blah blah blah nothing new but complaining” thing.

Doesn't help anyone in the least. Either way.

by Buckaroobwana

18 years, 7 months ago

you know what? I have a few words for you, pal…

I am sick to death of people continuing to say the franchise is dead. Its NOT DEAD AS LONG AS THERE IS A FANBASE!

I disagree. A fanbase is just that. A fanbase. I love GB just as much as anyone here. But the fact is that Kingpin was right, Sony has allowed this franchise to deteriorate and die. I have no problem conceding that point.

We are still one of the largest fanbases around today and it really doesnt matter at all wether or not theres new things coming out, but if you wanna play that card, fine. If you would take the time to look back, there has been new things coming out for Ghostbusters steadily. The 1st movie, then the animated series, the second movie, the animated series went on a bit longer, then the universal studios attractions, merchandice came out, the RGB comics have been coming out for a long time as well. Then we got Extreme Ghostbusters, after that came the ibooks, then the NEca toys, then 88PMPH comic. I dont think thats a dead franchise my friend.
and on top of all that, WE have continued the legacy of this franchise since the beginning with Norm,till now with GBI still in full swing. I dont care what YOUR views are, your welcome to them, but in OUR hearts and minds, Ghostbusters is FAR from dead and will remain very much alive as long as we, the fans stay loyal to it. Stop trying to argue your point, because obviously nobody agrees with it.

If the GB fanbase were large enough then new things would be coming out. Face facts, there will be no third GB film, no ongoing comic, no Legion hardcover, no new novels, no new episodes of RGB or XGB, no new action figures, no new role playing game, no new video games, and no DVD season sets.

If that isn't a dead franchise, I don't know what is. Understand that I'm not putting down Ghostbusters, but Sony has stood back and let this happen. While I don't think the GB fanbase is as large as you believe, certainly compared to say, Star Wars or Star Trek, is is one of the most vibrant, loyal and dedicated. Sadly Sony either can't or won't see this.

Nobody thought the United States could defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War. Ronald Reagan proved otherwise. I think you are assuming that I'm not a GB fan or somehow I'm criticizing GB. Nothing could be further from the truth. I love this franchise and one of the reasons I'm furious with Clavet is how the hardcover fiasco eliminated the ongoing series. I think you're confusing the fanbase, which is alive and vibrant, with the franchise, which Sony has neglected and allowed to die quietly.
I sincerely hope that Clavet is able to publish the hardcover by the end of the year, and I'm holding out hope for the ongoing as well. I just ain't holdin' my breath.

by gjustis1

18 years, 7 months ago

Ooooook then. Here's where the seemingly-supportive bystander can't take it anymore.

If the GB fanbase were large enough then new things would be coming out. Face facts, there will be no third GB film, no ongoing comic, no Legion hardcover, no new novels, no new episodes of RGB or XGB, no new action figures, no new role playing game, no new video games, and no DVD season sets.

Please, pretend to know what you're talking about somewhere else. You honestly think there won't be a third GB film? Clearly you've been overlooking the nature of Hollywood for, say, the past 50 years. As I said before, a revival is inevitable, as is a third movie….being a negatvie Nancy for the time being just irritates everyone.

Think it helps to throw the “oh no it's THE END! EVERYONE FOR THEMSELVES!” tantrum? I submit that it does not.

Nobody thought the United States could defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War. Ronald Reagan proved otherwise.

Wait. S…ser….seriously? You do realize that a Cold War is defined in part by not having any winners, right? We didn't win a damn thing. But, let's not make this a political discussion/criticism of conservative catastrophes. Besides, I struggle to think of a worse analogy.

I'm tellin' ya…..all you're doing is spinning your wheels. I say, bitch firmly and be done with it. Saying things like “I'll laugh and point when you're all WRONG!” just makes you look like a pain in the ass. Will they be wrong? Possibly. Will they look foolish? Who knows. I do know this, however….they won't need someone screetching from the back seat about how it looks from there.

No need to string this negative exchange out any further.