GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by castewar1

18 years, 7 months ago

Nobody thought the United States could defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War. Ronald Reagan proved otherwise.

The human flaws inherent to Soviet philosophy and massive deficient spending that took 20 years to repair proved otherwise. But we get your point.

by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago

Just for the record, I wasn't hitting Hawkangel for a claim that Clavet killing the franchise, that was a childish claim by Buckaroobwana.

I was simply stating the reason I was acting the way i was recently was because that was such a moronic claim to make.

And you call me childish?

Let me clarify. Until the comic book from 88MPH, Ghostbusters was, for all intents and purposes, a dead franchise. Granted, it does have a vibrant and devoted fan community, but XGB was long gone, one of the major book store chains refused to carry the novel (citing the fact that GB is a dead property)and RGB showed no signs of any season set DVD releases.

Along comes Clavet and 88MPH. The fan community gets very excited. The comic book sells so well at outset that an ongoing series is planned, posters and other merchandise are offered as possibilities and it's a good time to be a Ghostbusters fan again.

Fast forward to today. The GB Legion miniseries was plagued by excessive delays, the long promised hardcover will never see print, and the promised ongoing series is now an out-of-reach dream. Of all of it, I'm most disappointed with the cancellation of the ongoing. Dozens of GB tales we'll never get.

Is all of this Clavets' fault? No. NECA could've tried harder to get the series 2 figures of the main characters to market, but the fact is that Clavets' inability to produce a product his customers paid for has resulted in the end of any possibility of an ongoing series and the growth of this franchise (growth that started so well) has now been stopped dead in it's tracks.
RGB, cancelled and still waiting for season sets on DVD
XGB, gone probably forever
RGB comic cancelled years ago
No chance whatsoever for GB3
No NECA action figures of the boys themselves
No new novels
No ongoing series from 88MPH
No promised hardcover Legion collected edition
Let's face it, Ghostbusters was a dead franchise whose revival was in progress and gaining momentum, and the Legion hardcover fiasco brought it to a crashing halt. Clavet didn't kill the franchise, but he hammered the final nail in the coffin.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel however. WizKids just might produce a Ghostbusters collectors set for their new Horrorclix game. And who knows? Clavet might be able to pull off a miracle and publish the hardcover after all. I'm waiting until the end of the year and if I haven't heard anything, I'll go ahead and cancel my order with Graham Cracker.

I love Ghostbusters and want only the best for the franchise and it's fans. I just hope Clavet can get his act together. If he can, we might see an all new revival.

My. God.

It is *not* a fact that the hardcover will never see print.

It is *not* a fact that we will not get an ongoing series.

I'd like to point out that the 3 RGB DVDs in the US came out AFTER the 88mph issues. AFTER the book got severely delayed. Circumstances have NOT been fair. All clavat has “destroyed” is his own comic, which is not destroyed at all. The books failed because of Barnes & Noble, The action figures failed due to Bill murry, GB3 is just something we've had to deal with. Until Sebastian comes on here and says that the book and series are never going to happen, shut up. You can gloat then. But until then stop posting your opinion that everythings dead and buried as fact!

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

I'm going to temporarily lock this for maybe a day or two… not because it's convenient but because obviously a majority of us are running with our emotions.

It should hopefully give us a couple of hours to cool down and straighten ourselves out.

It certainly won't be locked for a week.


Okay folks, play nice.

by GuyCC

18 years, 7 months ago

If I were to have an “egg on face”, I'd want it to be an omelette. Less clean up, and no runny mess.

Ooh, a new movie could be made: Eggs on a Face!

I know I'm not contributing anything of importance.

I still think some GB fans should combine talents (and paychecks) together and attempt to re-launch the comic series. You know at least some fans in here roll with a little extra cash, and would love to burn it on a project like this.

by Para-psychology_doc

18 years, 7 months ago

True, somehow people manage to throw so much cash into prop-building and whatnot, I'm sure if they took the money they spent on propping and put it into this comic it'd get off the ground easily.

by GuyCC

18 years, 7 months ago

That's my point exactly. People refurbish cars to look like Ecto-1s, deck out jumpsuits, build props, etc. It would likely be a small print run, but even if people offered it as a exclusive, I bet it would sell.

Hopefully, Son would see the value in keeping one of their properties alive in case they even want to revisit it.

Look at - Most of their projects are kept alive through fan enthusiasm.

What's to say some of those high-rolling GB fans couldn't devote time and cash to a comic?

I'm tired of griping about this subject. It's gotten fairly pointless. But I would really like to see more comics come out. New stories with good humor and art and the like.

by mastersplinter

18 years, 7 months ago

The problem with comparing he-man to gb's fanbase was that Val and the rest of the creative team were constantly amongst the fans. The same can hardly be said about Seb…


18 years, 7 months ago

He tried to be. Then some undesireables chased him off.

by mastersplinter

18 years, 7 months ago

Are you kidding? Val pretty much always answered whatever questions came up when they came up (unless he legally couldnt at the time or didnt want to spoil anything), always answered emails. I never got a single response from Seb and I was always courteous and respectful in spite of my own waning faith in him. The He-man boards has some undesirables too, but Val managed to stay on top of things in spite of the hard time Mattel gave him and never resulted in a situation like Seb dug himself into.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, but He-Man was with a multi member studio, 88MPH is a one man operation… he wouldn't have had the luxury of being able to answer emails if he was having to get the book sorted.

Plus, that's also a load of posts on the boards as well as whatever emails he got.

Should things turn around, hopefully he'll go to answering questions again.