GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios

by egonspengler5

19 years, 3 months ago

The emails have not been sent yet due to a longer delay in retrieving the Paypal database in Excel format as their processing time is longer than anticipated. The database should be sent to me by Paypal at any minute now (they are already contacted about this) and I will update this page when I recieve it.

From 88mph site

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

Hey Kingpin, just out of curiosity, do you work in the comics industry, like in sales or distribution?

You sem to have a bit of an “insider” perspective.

No, I wish… I do have inspirations to work in the comic industry.

I have some friends who work in it, and people I've talked to who have given me a better understanding on things. Sorry I wasn't more impressive then that. :p

I do take a E-Media class though, and I had dealings with a student magazine (You'd be surprised how much even that could get hung up), and it's offered me some info into just what could delay something.

by Sp9543

19 years, 3 months ago

speaking of which, has anyone received their comformation e-mail?

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

The emails have been delayed (An announcement was posted a little earlier), Sebs is waiting for details to be sent to him by Paypal over a database… possibly the number of Paypal customers…

by Sp9543

19 years, 3 months ago

damn, nothing can go right for those guys. pretty soon Seb is gonna be so fed up with it all that everyone who ordered the book is gonna receive a bunch of crayon-colored-ghostbuster stick figures, stapled together instead of the hardcover gn.


19 years, 3 months ago

Nah, that's only for the super special edition.

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

The email:

Dear Customer,

This email is to confirm that we have your order on file and we should process it shortly. We will send your book(s) at the address on your PayPal file at the moment of purchase. We have not started to ship the book(s) yet and we will inform you when we do by email and on our website.

If you changed address between the time you ordered and now please inform us of your new shipping address by using the proper subject line in the contact form at “Address Change”

If you have not changed address then nothing is required form your part at the moment.

We Thank You for your order and hope you will enjoy your purchase.

Please visit our website for news and updates and you can also discuss Ghostbusters on

Best Regards

Sebastien Clavet

by fomeboy

19 years, 3 months ago


19 years, 3 months ago

Eat crow, assholes:

Dear Customers,

We have created this mass email list to better communicate with you all. Please do not unsubscribe as this will be the prefered way for us to update you on the shipping status.

This list will not be used for any other purposes than inform you about the
status of shipment. So you can be safe that your email will not be submited to any thrid party.

You can contact us by using the contact form on our main page at if you have a question, shipping address change or any other comments.

This email you recieve now is confirmation that we have your order on file and processing it. There is nothing required from your part at the moment unless you need to inform us of a shipping address change. If so please use the proper subject line in the contact form : Address Change.

Best Regards

Sebastien Clavet

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

Ecto… there is the kind of thing known as a sore winner… I think most of the people who were being negative, or saying it wasn't gonna come are tactfully keeping quiet now. And they know what you were saying from the start.