GB Legion Hardcover Update/E-mail From 88MPH Studios


19 years, 3 months ago

I'm not a sore winner, I'm a pissed off NYer. Big difference.

by Dr.PGhastly

19 years, 3 months ago

I'm not a sore winner, I'm a pissed off NYer. Big difference.

I love how ya'll rep so hard lol

So yea like I said elsewhere…..death is but a door, time is but a window and all that bitchin was for nothing.

Well not really at least I know who the grown folks are……….damn junior ghostbusters :@

by GuyCC

19 years, 3 months ago

Sent my reply off to Graham Crackers just in case. They've always been good about getting back to my responses.

I had moved during the year. Just want to make sure everything is good to go.

It seems the wait is finally in its last stages now. I'm looking forward to seeing all the bells and whistles this thing is supposed to have included.

by divia1

19 years, 3 months ago

But bitching is fun
Besides most were legit concerns.
And what would a message board be without the pros and the cons? A dull, dull place. (^_^)


19 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, but then there's BEATING A DEAD HORSE. Yeah, you all know who I'm talking about.

by doctorvenkman1

19 years, 3 months ago

Especially you Divia, of all people you should be apologizing for your ridiculous hounding of this issue.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

But bitching is fun
Besides most were legit concerns.
And what would a message board be without the pros and the cons? A dull, dull place. (^_^)

There's legit concerns, and then going overboard.

A legit concern is: “Guys, judging by the length of the delay… I don't think it's going to get published.”

A non ‘legit concern’ is: "Guys, I think Sebastien's scamming you, and running off to mexico with your money'.

But, it's a moot point, the books are pretty much ready to ship from what we've told.

No, go out, have those newfangled lives that people are always talk'in about. :p Rooservelt told me to tell you that…
…damn commies…

by Dalboz

19 years, 3 months ago

I just came on this site because after another pushback some people sent me an email saying “Yo man, you said everything I wanted to say.” So I thought I'd come back and see if you have any news concerning shipping.

Apparently you don't.

It's a year and a half late this hard cover.

He missed last year's september announcement in Diamond. He missed last years november announcement in Diamond.

It was dropped from Diamond.

He missed April/May spring announcement (I still have that email to prove he sent that announcement if you want to keep arguing that he made no such announcement).

He missed the November 11th announcement.

Even in his email Clavet said that good or bad news the 11th would have the shipping information.


nothing since October.

Either he's scamming, Ben, or he hasn't a clue what the hell he's doing. PERIOD.

Divia, from the sound of things, you agree with 90% of the comic book buywers in the world concerning Clavet's ignorance on the matter. Just know that people on this website who host it have been getting “free issues” so their undying support of 88mph studios isn't support for the franchise, it's bought support (for a cheap price I might add).

by Dalboz

19 years, 3 months ago

Oh and PS for those of you out there who support Clavet (sp?)

He said the books would be shipped on the 11th in one of my emails.

The 11th is an international holiday - no mail delivery in many countries.

Either this was a sick joke or he has no clue what he's doing, since any trained business executive would know the international shipping dates and holidays

by doctorvenkman1

19 years, 3 months ago

“The people on this website” have been paying for their issues man. Yea, Sebastien has been giving 400 people free copies of the comic, but he's scamming us, suuuuuuure. You'll be eating your words soon enough. If this was a scam, it would be pretty damn elaborate. Yea he printed 4 comics, and they were all legit (even though they were late), but he's lying about this whole hardcover and stealing everyone's money. What a moron.