This site is no longer a multimedia-based site. Therefore, you must go to other sites to obtain sounds and video clips. Spook Central (search for the site on and make sure to give it a good rating after you've been to the site) is a great resource for those kinds of things.
Although has full streaming episodes of The Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon series, it is not a multimedia-based site anymore.
This site's focus is more to bring the community together, and to guide users in the right direction for Ghostbusters information, multimedia, props, fan fiction, and GB-related user projects of all sorts.
Hence the title, “ = Your Guide To Ghostbusters”. As far as featuring fan-made software. Look at Ghostbusters Doom. It was made by a Ghostbusters fan. is always on the lookout for cool fan-made items.
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