GB Online order form

by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago


I got a few PM's about how the online order form works.

Basically most of comic book stores in North America do order their comics with Diamond Comics Distributor, and those who don't most probably can, hence they CAN order the GB and Tron comics.

So you need to get the Previews catalog to pre-order, if you don't know how the catalog works, or don't or can't buy it, then simply print out our order form

When one comic book store says “I won't carry it, or order it” it basically means that if no one asks them to order at least 1 copy for themselves, then they won't order any.

So if you print our order form fill the info, and give it to the manager of your comic book store, make sure they don't loose the form.

Our form has the Diamond Comics Distributor Item Numbers that are needed to identify the comics, this way the manager already has the number needed.

This way you insure to get your copies even if the store did not had any plans on ordering any. Moreso the manager can now see that people are interested and might order 2-3 copies extra for the store, but your copies are reserved for sure.

Also if the store orders at least 10 copies ( like 7 regular covers and 3 Dan Brereton's covers. or any combination ) they get a special Ultraviolet Ink incentive cover that can be obtain only in this manner.

Spread the word, get your local comic book store to order copies


by jesusfreak1

21 years, 3 months ago

Can we take this to places like Barnes and Nobles? Or just comic book stores?

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 3 months ago

I was wondering the same thing Ron.

by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago

Q : Can we take this to places like Barnes and Nobles? Or just comic book stores?

A: regular book stores only carry trade paper backs, not single, individual issues. You can try though, but I suggest bringing it to regular comic book store.


by jesusfreak1

21 years, 3 months ago

*Goes nuts trying to find a Comci book shop within 50 miles* :p

by toygeek1

21 years, 3 months ago

I'd love to see more “small press” (please excuse the label…though I do expect you'll have far outgrown it by this time next year.) do this kind of thing. Ghostbusters is big-time no matter who's putting it out, but there's a lot of stuff that shops just don't order because they don't think anybody's looking at them.

Hopefully, you guys are starting a trend.

by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago

Thanks Toygeek !

Don't worry I don't take any offense in being labbeled “small press” because we are

I can't take the credit for having started that trend, I think IDW publishing did it first, and then Devil's Due, and now me, however I do hope all small press companies do it too, this way we increase the popularity of comics altogether, not just the ones we produce.

We will put a PDF order form every month, lsiting all we produce, why change a good thing you know ?

If people have suggestions about the form ( is it ok visually, easy to use, fast to download, does it print ok, etc ) please let us know.

The form is pretty “dull” visually, no color and all, I thought people would not want to spend color on a simple form, so thats why its so plain looking, but I think it'll do its job well.

Let me know if the managers in the comic book stores find it ok to use. And if anybody brings it to a Borders, Barnes & Nobles and it does work out let me know too, we don't have these chains in Canada.



by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 3 months ago

I think maybe tomorrow I'll take it to Barnes and Noble to see if they'll order it. I hope so.

by silverexpress57

21 years, 3 months ago

So, we have to get the preview catalog so we can order the gb comic? We can't just order the GB comic itself?

by egonspengler5

21 years, 3 months ago

“So, we have to get the preview catalog so we can order the gb comic? We can't just order the GB comic itself?”

No, the order form will be in the preview catalog - or you can download, print it out, complete it and take it to your local comic book store to reserve your copies.