GB Ranking sys suggestion

by Dr.Roberts

23 years, 1 month ago

OK so the new ranking system is this…
Ghostbuster In Training 0 - 200 messages 0 - 5 ratings
Junior Ghostbuster 201 - 500 messages 6 - 50 ratings
Ghostbuster 501 - 800 messages 51 - 100 ratings
Senior Ghostbuster 801 messages 101 ratings

OK, I couldn't post 801 messages and rate 101 things if I had the next ten years!

So here's a suggestion…why should the hard working guys with props be penalized? I think if you have a certain number of props on file that maybe that ought to help boost a fella in rank. You might even assign different props various levels like:

Proton pack=250 messages
PKE meter=100 msg
Sniffer=100 msg
Uniform=150 msg

…or maybe something along those lines. Cause as it is now, the prop builders aren't really rewarded for their hard work (Except by way of a 1-10 rating).

Who's with me?

by CaptainN

23 years, 1 month ago

I second that idea Dr. Roberts. Granted I don't have anything prop related up (yet). I will though soon so I would like to see a break cut for proppers also. Chad what's your standing on this since you did create the system?


by Ectoman

23 years, 1 month ago

I third that.. as it would give me about 1000 posts.. smile

by DocEggman

23 years, 1 month ago

Come on, it's just a ranking system. Though it would be cool to having a nice little title under my name, it certainly isn't all so important to me that'll I go out of my way to post a boatload of messages with bad grammar and absolutely no point to them. wink

by borzou99

23 years, 1 month ago

is there going to be a way to retract ratings that were accidentally given?

by borzou99

23 years ago

also, make the rating system like ebay, where you can defend your self against bad ratings, so you can see both sides of the arguement. also an advisory, PEOPLE SHOULD NOT RATE PROJECTS WHEN THEY ARE PISSED OR HAVING A BAD DAY, IT GIVES OTHER PEOPLE BAD DAYS wink

by ecto-3

23 years ago

I completely agree with borzou on that subject, I can tell you now not everyone is going to like their ratings.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

Yeah, 3 points for having a unpainted, almost exact, unfinished, proton pack..

by Texasgb

23 years ago

I believe if it is a good prop a good rating will be given. For the most part everyone is fair.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

That wasnt what I had in mind and I am starting to wonder if you could've guessed that.