GB Sims trap Update

by Kingpin

23 years, 1 month ago

Well I been working hard over the past couple of hours, and I know a lot of you have been wondering when I gonna fill my promise, and I don't want to start sounding like a politician with empty promices, so I have almost finished the trap and it should be completed and send of to Chad by the end of the week, thanks for waiting so patiently.

by Glycerine

23 years, 1 month ago

Did you already send the other things you had made for the Sims to Chad? At least I think it was you who made some other things for the Sims too. Any idea when he might put the GB Sims stuff up on the site?

by Edimasta

23 years, 1 month ago

where can i download the stuff for the sims?

by Kingpin

23 years, 1 month ago

The Sims objects might be in the big update Chad is planning, but I honestly don't know.

by Glycerine

23 years, 1 month ago

Cool. I was just wondering about when they might be put up on the site. The big update was my first guess, but I just wanted to see if you knew anything more. Thanks.