by EctoMaster

23 years, 2 months ago

that's what i'm working on like a celebrity deathmatch type thing where the ghostbusters versus marty mcfly and doc. and possibly like a ladder where the winner plays another like gb vs mib. what do you guys think?

by bigpapi428

23 years, 2 months ago

zap and trap their way to the topsmile

by EctoMaster

23 years, 2 months ago

Here's my basic plot for the story:

GBs visit Hill Valley.
Find parts to old delorean.
Install them into ECTO and time travel without knowning it.
Doc has created new delorean in december of 1985.
Doc time trave;ls to nov 5th 1955 for experimets.
GBs time travel to same time.
Conflicts in space time continuum occur.

not really a battle but one will occur.

by HaleyBeth

23 years, 2 months ago

You know what? I think I may be shot for this one, but I think the Back to the Future: the animated series is better than the GB cartoons. In fact, I have an in-progress site for it at Interesting how, in both cases, the movies spawned my liking of the two toons (BTTF:2 in this case).

So, break out the automatic weapons. My DeLorean and I will take you all down yikes)
“Well, boys, it looks like we're short legged, webbed footed water fowl destitute of life.”
“Dead ducks.”
Back to the Future: The Animated Series (

by Ectodude

23 years, 1 month ago

hey, wait a frickin minuet! yuo took the find of the DeLorean parts from me!

what, you cant think of your own ideas or somethin?

by EctoMaster

23 years, 1 month ago

i'm sorry dude but there isn't anything else. what you want me to change it so that they dig up the old parts and build news one or something? give me something then.

by Ectodude

23 years ago

how about the GBs build their own time machine? or maybe a Ghost has the ability to speed, slow, or reverse time. thats an idea. thats a couple. after all, if something that concerns time happenes, Doc still has the train. he can come in and assist.

but the idea with the locating of the parts is strictly forbiden. its not copyrighted to me.

by EctoMaster

23 years ago

just one little quick question: was that a typo? because if they're NOT copywrighted to you then anyone can use it. even though i have given up on the story (it's been over 2 months-i'll never get to it) i thank you for the suggestions. but your last sentence makes no sense what so ever. if they aren't copywrighted, the idea can be used. an a little advice, next time don't come out and say YOU STOLE FROM ME!!! a more intelligent approach would be “Excuse me, but you seem to have the same idea that i do. i have already written the story, is it possible you could change your plot some way, i can suggest a few.” now i'm done.

*gets off soap box*

by SavannahGB

23 years ago

you know this premise of GB meet BTTF would either do very well as a movie or theme park attraction. Its kinda like park tourist meets King Kong. Kinda…

by Dr.RayStanz

22 years, 11 months ago

if you go to then they too have a fan fiction page where i think a good writer has created a BTTF GB crossover! read and enjoy.. maybe?!