GB1 Thorazine Mystery

by mrpecker2

13 years, 7 months ago

Additionally, Venkman's a Ph. D, not an MD, so he's not licensed to administer medication. I mean, his ethics are questionable, but not THAT questionable.

But wouldn't Thorazine be involved in a Psychologist's practice? Maybe not directly, but he certainly could have got his hands on some.

But yeah, as Gamora says….it was just used to advance the plot. They probably didn't expect to have a group of fanboys discussing the dialogue 25 years on. smile

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 7 months ago

Or realize how much of a creeper the scene made Pete look…

by RealmMan

13 years, 7 months ago

mr pecker;171238
But wouldn't Thorazine be involved in a Psychologist's practice? Maybe not directly, but he certainly could have got his hands on some.

Actually, no, since Psychologists are not medical doctors and therefore cannot dispense. Psychiatrists, on the other hand, are MDs, and can dispense and prescribe. Thoretically, a Ph. D could consult with a patient's MD about meds, but I'm not sure how that would work, given a medical diagnosis would be required, not just what boils down to the Ph. D's (admittedly educated) opinion.

Bottom line:
Psychologists = lots of talking about your mother
Psychiatrists = lots of talking about your mother + drugs

And even if we ignore this point, it still doesn't explain why Peter had Thorazine or how he got it (I doubt you can pick some up at the Duane Reade* around the corner). So, again, we are left with my 3 unlikely possiblities.

*gratuitous NY shoutout!

by deadderek

13 years, 7 months ago

Hey the man knows how to party, nothing wrong with that.

by RoastedZuul

13 years, 7 months ago

Even more fuel to the fire I began: I ran the scene where Dana talks to her mother on the phone (right before she's dragged)…she says in response “..oh, I am. No, it was just..just that one time.”
If her mother was inquiring as was Dana taking her meds..“oh, I am.”
And then perhaps alluding to a psychotic episode…“No, it was just…just that one time.”
So I guess I now subscribe to the theory Venkman found Dana's meds somewhere in her apt…possibly in the disorder(no pun intended) the camera shows us as it tracks over to him.
Just a thought…Winston Zeddemore

by RealmMan

13 years, 7 months ago

Might I request that the next time Dan's out signing his booze, could somebody please ask him about this? I'm just curious what he thinks about all this. Or not. Crap, I dunno…

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 7 months ago

Even more fuel to the fire I began: I ran the scene where Dana talks to her mother on the phone (right before she's dragged)…she says in response “..oh, I am. No, it was just..just that one time.”
If her mother was inquiring as was Dana taking her meds..“oh, I am.”
And then perhaps alluding to a psychotic episode…“No, it was just…just that one time.”
So I guess I now subscribe to the theory Venkman found Dana's meds somewhere in her apt…possibly in the disorder(no pun intended) the camera shows us as it tracks over to him.
Just a thought…Winston Zeddemore

Then that begs to question: Why did Dana have a powerful sedative at her apartment does she have an addiction?

by Kingpin

13 years, 7 months ago

Might I request that the next time Dan's out signing his booze, could somebody please ask him about this? I'm just curious what he thinks about all this. Or not. Crap, I dunno…

I really don't think it's worth asking Dan what the basis for the Thorazine sequence was. In the script Venkman was a lot worse than what we saw on screen… and one interpretation from that is that he's unorthodox and uses less than sanctioned methods.

by RealmMan

13 years, 7 months ago

How about I move to call it a plot hole/frak-up and move on, so we can save our energies for other things? Any seconds?

by Kingpin

13 years, 7 months ago

I'm up for that, but then I admit that out of the minutae that the film is filled with that has, and could be discussed, this is one I don't find all that interesting.