by Kingpin

19 years, 7 months ago

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things I like about GBII, the Van Horne Station/PNRR being one of my favourite parts, but the relationship step with Egon and Janine wouldn't work with how 88MPH are taking their relationship and the plot points weren't really new enough in itself, a large symptom of using the same plot…

Though it seems silly to either judge or not buy a series simply because they're not doing one aspect… I doubt many people didn't buy it because the ECU was based on the ECU from the cartoon…

by MasterSpider

19 years, 7 months ago

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things I like about GBII, the Van Horne Station/PNRR being one of my favourite parts, but the relationship step with Egon and Janine wouldn't work with how 88MPH are taking their relationship and the plot points weren't really new enough in itself, a large symptom of using the same plot…

Though it seems silly to either judge or not buy a series simply because they're not doing one aspect… I doubt many people didn't buy it because the ECU was based on the ECU from the cartoon…

Though it is one aspect, it's a pretty big aspect. Like I said, that movies near and dear to many of us. Some of us as little kids watched that more than the first, and for them to be ignoring that I'd say is kinda crappy. It's not something as simple as the containment unit. When you come back to the original source material, there are two films to work from. Whether everyone likes it or not, these two films are what are absolutely 100% canon and what have established these characters, and they did a wonderful job. So to have a big boom and re-emergence of Ghostbusters and have the 2nd move be ignored, I still think, is pretty lame…

by Kingpin

19 years, 7 months ago

It's not the same sort of re-emergence as GBII, the guys have only been doing stuff for a few months and saving the city from a ghost army kinda has that impact, and they'd simply gotten back to business after Gozer, but the GBII storyline is more restrictive and would mean that anything they wanted to create for themselves would have to be written post GBII and that's a hell of a lot of time to pass by to get stuff done that they could just have occur X months after the first film…

Had the second film been to the specs that Derick released I'd probably agree with you… but I'm afriad to say we're arguing a pointless topic, unless Seb changes his mind I'm doubting any incarnation would be done…then there'd be the thing of having to purchase even more licence rights for stuff from the second movie, and that can get pricey… I may be wrong but I think even Sebs said something to the effect of that the he thought the Ecto-1A was overdone.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 7 months ago

I really don't care to be honest, you're right in the fact that it's not worth arguing, it's just disappointing for me, I guess I can safely say. I just don't find it necessary to completely ignore it, it's not that restricting, they can simply look at it as an event that takes place, and still have plenty of room to do all their other storylines and ideas to come up with. And like I said, as far as Seb “not liking” it or certain aspects of it, I think that's pretty lame. He loves the first movie enough to go back and give Winston a moustache on the newspaper article of the first issue once noticing that it's missing, so I don't believe that they don't pay attention to detail, either…

by mitchelld00d

19 years, 7 months ago

well if they wanted to stay canon with the movies explanation of things, no they COULDNT just do it as another story among the other busts. gb2 clearly states that the GB's went out of buisness pretty soon after gozer, kingpin has already stated this and the other plot points that happened in between the two movies that would need to be covered, not to mention 5 years of nothing to take place. what kind of ghostbusters comic would it be if they just showed them all doing 5 years of a crappy talk show, scientific studies and birthday parties and bar mitzvahs? Trying to add in the entire aspect of GB2 is pretty darn restricting.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 7 months ago

well if they wanted to stay canon with the movies explanation of things, no they COULDNT just do it as another story among the other busts.

Yes they COULD, do it. How did the movies do it? Simple. They put a title card in the beginning that said “5 years later.” And the movie never clearly states that absolutely NOTHING happens after the first movie, it never says anything to the extent of Legion happened, but even so, they could simply make them go out of business, get it out there as “just another bust,” and make people like me happy…