Hi guys, my mom just got back from Atlantic City and she went to Planet Hollywood while she was there. SHe searched for ever for the GB pack so she could get some pics for me, however she talked to one of the owners and he said that the pack had been sent SOMEWHERE. My moms response was, “where?” How odd that the man would say nothing but that he was not sure where but it was sent to be cleaned up. I was talking to Ghostbuster1000 and we both thought why would sony want to clean up a beat up pack? They wouldn't just waste their time in doing that. Then it hit us, is it a possibility they were taking it out to replicate them for a third GB movie!!!!! HEy, anything is possible when it comes to sony….anything. I just encourage you all to keep an eye out. It could be a posiblility…I am not trying to start a false rumor I just thought you all should know as it could possibly add some sparks to this possible movie!