GB3 already happened... sort of.

by Dr.D

19 years, 7 months ago

I still would love to see a new GB movie, but doesn't RGB happen after gb2. There is some continuinty So isn't RGB in a way GB3.

by Kingpin

19 years, 7 months ago

It happens before and after GBII, hence Louis Tully's introduction and Janine's ‘bowl’ haircut from GBII.

by youngvenkman1

19 years, 7 months ago

If anything, EGB is “GB3”. Becuase we have “The old team retired, a new threat involving more powerful ghosts threatengin new york, Old Ghostbuster(s) recruit a new younger team to take handle it, when the old team fails.” Sounds alot like “Darkness at Noon” the premeir of EGB

The only thign we don't get is Hell taking over New York (unless you count the future episode, which would be as close to it as possible) and the guys gettign sucked into hell.