gb3 and b on

by jewy

21 years, 10 months ago

all gb fans come lisen to uncle joey. everone sit around the great gb logo table.
fans what two shows have come back on to tv now from the 80s wait 3 now. tmnt gijoe and back to the future. and also there are action figures. tmnt had another show b4 but didnt work out jus like egb which i thought was nt that bad. there has to be some sort of new gb related thing comming out. i think the fox net work, catoon network and others realize all these new cartoons suck and r bring back the old ones that were the best. so dont give up hope or uncle joey will give u a good zapin

by Zack

21 years, 10 months ago

there are many GB3 threads and threads like this out there to have hope in already without being told again :s That's why this was deleted before.
